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Posts posted by Spartan_06

  1. Welcome to USA virtual Air Mobility Command ,we where founded in 2009 as Virtual Military Airlift Command [VMAC] and later USAvAMC .

    US Air virtual Air Mobility Command is comprised of FS2004/FSX &P3D at this present time. USAvAMC supports our renown free flight mode and Mission Based on real world events .We do have 2 main groups

    1: The Heavy lift ,C-17,C-130,A400M Just to name a few .

    2: Fighter Squadron , headed up by John Roque , these include the A-10,F-15,F-16 & the F-22 at present.

    We have no heavy structure, no VATSIM/IVAO requirement, no aircraft restriction. USAvAMC is made up of retired and active military, commercial private pilots and hobbyist.

    The whole concept of USAvAMC is to provide a relaxing environment for Simmers, you fly when you have the time, no one is going to bump you because you decided to take a break. All of us have been down the road of "As Real As It Gets" now we just want to chill and have fun.

    Give us a visit, our doors are wide open, we have nothing to hide as many sites want you to join before you see what's inside. We have just gone under a major web site upgrade , so

    Please come and take a look , If you wish to apply please make sure you choose the unit you wish to fly for ,either the heavy lift or the fighter sqn in the choose airline tab at registration.

    The doors are open and coffee is always fresh , well most times.


    Our web site address is http://www.usavamc.us/amcv/


    David Zaleski [Commanding General]

    Roy Elliman [Chief of Staff]

    Sorry for the late response, but glad i joined with awesome people to fly with. Also, they have room for advancement as well, looking forward to it.

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