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Posts posted by nigelgrant

  1. On 4/7/2024 at 8:05 AM, Shrikharan said:

    As what we had in FSX,   a 2d cockpit, able to fly with full front view without cockpit blocking and important  flight details such as speed, direction,  and height  displayed on top of the screen, With these  options not abled in FS2020 I simply cannot fly an aircraft.  Flying a real aircraft  in real world is different to fly in computer with the mouse and  keyboard it takes a long time to see around. In real flight we  have a wider field of vision and we can quickly move our neck to see or simply moving the eyes. We cannot do that in computer. before we use the mouse to change the view plane would have crashed, (unless we pause the flight and  doing that the thrill is over). 



    I agree very much, MSFS 2020 is incredible in scenery detail. I can even see my bedroom window in the house in Dundee where I was born and grew up.


    But piloting? I find MSFS very weak, difficult to learn with the 3D cockpit trying to mouse click on the different gauges - way too small and shaky. And I miss the full screen of seeing where I am flying to




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  2. I have had reasonable success using the FSUIPC auto save function (has to be a paid registered copy).


    Shut down your flight wherever you are, as usual. When next start up of MSFS 2020, and get to the global selection page, hit the shift key and go to the saved flight section and look for the auto save entries and choose the latest one; when FS starts go to PAUSE (mine is FSX style PAUSE which I have mapped to my keyboard - used P for pause on, then rightALT-P to unpause) and check out settings, then unpause and try to salvage the flight - I have usually been successful.



  3. I concluded a long time ago that computers can sometimes be weird! This one is no exception. When I went back to the folder of saved flights, there were no longer any shortcuts with the FSX icon.............


    So I followed your recommendations, made a copy of the folder and uninstalled FSX. Everything seems to be working as normal.


    Thank you Steve and Tim for your input



  4. This message is addressed to Tim Wright, he seems to have lots of knowledge on the inner workings of MSFS2020, but others please chip in…………………


    Accidently I found the folder where all my saved flights in MSFS 20-20 were located so I tried to start the sim directly from the shortcuts – surprise - FSX started up! Then I noticed all the shortcut icons for the flights had FSX icons.


    I would like to uninstall FSX but what would that do to all my saved flights? I guess I could do a system save before doing so and if things go awry, a system restore afterwards?





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