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Posts posted by mitch1951

  1. Flying the 747 from Frankfurt (EDDF) to Gatwick (EGKK), everything is fine. Following ATC instructions with altitude settings. (FMC seems unable to follow altitude settings in the Simbrief flightplan). Tracking my flight on Navigraph Charts on a second computer. 

    Everything going like clockwork until ATC says "Go Around". Have to transition via WILLOW, but autopilot appears to have a mind of its own now and will NOT follow the heading that I set, it wants to follow its own course whatever that is.

    How do I shut down the FMC flight plan so that I can direct the autopilot to where I now need it to go?

  2. I have only recently installed MSFS2020, having been happily using FS9 since it came out.  I still fly FS9, but am slowly getting used to MSFS2020.

    In FS9 when flying my PMDG 737-800/900, I can either directly input my own flight plan into the FMC, or import one that I created in Simbrief.

    In MSFS2020 I can manually enter a flight plan into the FMC, but don't seem to be able to import one that I create in Simbrief. The FMC gives the message "NOT ALLOWED" when I try to enter the flight plan into the company route slot.  Am I doing something wrong, have I missed something, or is this just not possible?

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  3. How do I update the files in the FS9 NavData folder? I have the latest AIRAC downloaded for my LD767 and PMDG 800/900 and have found a tool (FS9Navaids_Installer) that has updated some of the bgl files in the FS9/Scenery/ subfolders, but I can find nothing that will update the files in FS9/NavData.

    Original files in this folder are dated from 2004, but newer ones that I belive I may have updated through Navigraph back in 2021. These files are: cycle_info, fmc_ident, wpNavAID, wpNavAPT, wpNavFIX and wpNavRTE. All are dated - AIRAC Cycle : 2112 (02/DEC/2021 - 30/DEC/2021) - Ver.1, but I have no way of updating these files to the current AIRAC Cycle (which currently is 2309) so that I can create a flight plan that I can put into my LD767 or PMDG 737-800/900 FMCs.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Hah, problem solved. Finger trouble. :rolleyes:

    Testing it against a copy of the original installation copied into c:\MSFS alongside the new install, running direct from FS9.EXE worked perfectly.

    Did same for FS9.EXE on new install and it worked perfectly too.

    Ran new install from shortcut, got distortion.

    FS9.EXE was configured to run in compatibility for XP and run as administrator, shortcut wasn't. I changed the properties in the shortcut and it worked perfectly.... so I guess it's the XP compatibility that is the controlling factor here.

    Once again, thanks for your replies guys. Sorry for wasting your time.

  5. Thanks for the responses guys.

    My new installation is on a totally separate hard disk to the original install.

    It is a custom install, in the path: C:\MSFS\Flight Simulator 9

    I checked the drivers again in System Information. Drivers for my sound card are identical on both windows installations. However, despite the fact that I disabled the "onboard audio" in the motherboard BIOS, Windows still recognised it and installed drivers. So I have now gone in through device manager and disabled the onboard sound device, but the voice sound problem remains.

    I set my display properties in the sim to very low. This too had no effect on the voice sound problem.

    Frame rates are pretty low, identical on both installations. It is showing me 24.9FPS, locked at 25FPS.

    I know there are strange issues with FS2004 in Windows 7. On my original install, after some Windows updates, I had to double click on FS9 twice to get it started. On the new install, I don't have that problem. As Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft, I can't update the new Windows 7 installation any further than SP1.

  6. In an attempt to make FS2004 run without crashing due to the clogged installation on my Windows 7 Professional drive, I bought a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium and put that on a separate hard disk. Having installed Windows 7 SP1 and all the necessary updates, MB chipset, sound and video drivers, I did a clean install of FS2004. Installed SP1 and booted it up.


    Everything is great, except the voices - both pilot and ATC have some background distortion, like there's interference on the radio.


    All other sounds are OK. I checked my audio drivers etc. All drivers are same as what I was using on the Windows 7 Professional installation. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times, but the problem remains. I'm totally clueless as to why this should be happening, as aside from being a different Windows installation on a different hard disk, the installations are identical.


    If anyone has come across this situation before, or has any useful suggestions, then I would be extremely grateful as this so frustrating.



  7. In February 1970 at the tender age of 19, I was posted to RAF Changi in Singapore, where I spent two and a half glorious years.

    In an attempt to recreate my flight to Singapore, I have downloaded RAF Brize Norton, Cyprus_1962 - for RAF Akrotiri, the Trucial States 1961 - for Bahrain, raf_Gan, raf_singapore - for RAF Changi and 9Dragons - for Kai Tak airport. I never actually went to Kai Tak myself, but a younger brother did, so I flew David Maltby's RAF VC10C1k into Kai Tak today. Absolutely amazing scenery from 9Dragons. My flight in was even hairier than the ones that I've been watching on youtube. Great scenery and a brilliant aircraft.

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