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Posts posted by mikeymike202

  1. I tried the program via X-Box PC. The first month was only $1 and subsequent months are around $5. This gives access to the basic FS2020 program as well as many other games. I tried this way since I was pretty sure my PC would not run the program well, but I thought I might be able to see some of it. I went through both patches and downloaded three times. The program won't run on my PC. I got a refund from MSFT a few days ago.


    Why am I saying all this? Well, it's a simple way to try the program without shelling out $60. If you like it and want to have the program as stand-alone, or upgrade to the higher versions, you can do so. Bottom line for me is that I tried it and it didn't work, and it didn't cost me anything out of pocket.


    I'll be watching this forum, and other places, to see if the bugs get worked out soon. If they do I'll probably get a new PC so I can run it.

  2. Has anyone gotten FS2020 to run on an older PC?

    (i7-4790 with 12GB and GTX745 GPU with 4GB DDR3)


    The program started and ran once. It wasn't smooth and lagged quite a bit, but at least I could see some of the new program.

    Now, every time I start the program it crashes at the splash screen of Cessna over mountains. I uninstalled and downloaded again after the patch, but the behavior is the same.


    Is there any way to run the program on my PC ?

  3. I have the same problem, the program gets to the splash screen with the cessna over the mountains and the screen flashes black, then comes back on, and then crashes about a minute later. I've downloaded and installed THREE TIMES. I am getting the program from X-Box PC since the basic version is available for $1 for the first month. I just wanted to try it since my computer won't run it well (i7-4790, 12GM, GTX 745 4(?) MB). But it looks like it's not going to run at all. I downloaded the third time a couple of days after the patch. I was planning on a new PC this fall intending to run FS2020, but hearing about all this trouble with it I may just wait a while before the upgrade and program purchase.
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