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Posts posted by Horacios

  1. Hello there!!,


    I have a question for you guys, today , I downloaded the Perfect Flight Learjet 60, nice airplane, could be better, but ok! de question is, in the landing, you can see the pluim of smoke emerge from the tires, but the smoke does not emerg in the good place, I try to make it better, but the only one that I got goed now is the nose weel, the main landing gear I had not bean able to find the way to do it, I was busy for hours. but to no avail !!

    If someone of you knows how is done, could you please let me know? I wil be very thankful!!!!

    Sorry for my bad English, I try my best, I speak perfect Spanish!!!



  2. Hi fellows,

    I got a problem with the brakes, first of all , I have a lot of years behind de Joke, about 30! I fly mainly big airplanes, I notice that when I go taxiing to the rwy the left brake, go in diferencial brake mode,just like that, I don't do nothing, the plane think for himself, I notice this, because when hay give fullthrotlle the speed doesen't go up normally, and I reach the end of the rwy, with no speed for a safe rotation!!

    Same happend when I'm wainting for the permission for "Pushback" sudenly the brakes are off(not because me, but just like that, no reasson at all!!

    I know that I have to change something in the Settings/Calibration!! but is so very long time ago that I was working in this part of the simulator, that I don't remember any more what it was!!!

    I'm a old (70 years)guy but I stil have a lot of flying time in me! I hope so!!


    If someone can help, Ill be very thankfull!!!!


    Thanks for your time!!!



  3. Hi TopGun, thanks a lot for your message, here are the data that you ask me( sorry for my terrible english, normaly I speak spanish and Ducht!


    Site: Simviation

    Main Menu





    first page


    NAME FILE : McD(Iris) F-15 C/D for FSX-P3D for FSX-P3D

    85.16 MB


    If you need more information, please, send me a mail, h.urban1@kpnplanet.nl thanks very much for your time!!!

  4. Hoi,

    Ik heb een vraag voor jullie, in mijn simulator(FXS) ik heb deze DCD_F15 CD_ Eagles en de EI_Eagles ook!, ik heb nooit kunnen de afterburner aan de prat krijgen, ik heb mailen gestuurd naar de makers van deze 2 modellen, maar nooit een een goede antwoord ontvangen. Mijn vraag is:Ik heb een F15 gevonden freeware met een hele mooie after burner effect en ik zou willen deze effect in mijn F15 DCD kunnen installeren, ik heb al de effect geinstaller, en werk prima! maar ik krijg storing met de MFD Left Display, en deze display is precies nodig om de verschillende weapons zoals rockets, extra fuel pods etc,etc. te kunnen installeren, zonder is geen gezicht, een straaljager moet deze dingen hebben onder de vleugels , denkt ik!

    Als iemand kan mij helpen, graag!


    Ik ben al 30 jaar met flight simulatie bezig , dus , ik ben geen groentje, maar toch! ik kan niet deze problem oplossen!!






    50 jaar geleden heb ik met een Piper J3 mijn eerste ervaringen in de lucht , zoiets kan je nooit vergeten!!!

  5. Hi Mr.Zippy,


    Like always, you are the first to answer! thanks, like I said in my post, I have already couple of Fighters, wich I flew in daylight, in all my Fighters, I can see the afterburner in daylight and in nightlight, I wonder why you ask me if I have Acceleration, to be honest, I don't remember if I have it, but if I use the afterburners and they perform perfect in the others planes, I think that everything is Ok!

    You need a new computer, is the old one broken? or maybe it is no powerful for the new 2020 simulator!


    Thanks for your message!



  6. Hi there, yesterday I got the new DC Designs F15C, is a very nice model, easy in the FPS, it looks very good! Fly well, the only problem is, when I want to take off with the afterburners active(100 % power) nothing happens! I went to the manual, and I coulden't fine nothing about this problem, I have a couple of Fighters, is not my first one, like the F14, F16 , F111 and the Tornado ETC! and all these airplanes, when you give 100 % power, you can the see the increase in speed and , if you look back, you wil see the afterburner working! simple, no with this new F15.

    If someone can help me , I wil be very thankful! I'm not new in Flight Simulation, about 30 years now, I'm a very old guy, and I love planes since I was a little boy!!


    Hope to hear from you guys soon!!!


    Happy landings




    Cub, because it was the airplane in wich I did learn to fly, and 51 is when I was born (1951)


    Sorry for my bad English!!!

  7. Hello, my question, I just install new landing lights in the the PA A320(Shockwave lights) they look very nice! but they only work at night!, during day time the only one light that work is the taxi light! if I try to use the main lights, the swich move to the on position, but half a second later, goes back to the off position, someone knows why this happend?





  8. Hi Jethrom,

    Thanks for your replay! (sorry, my english is not very good!) I fly the FSX system, my computer is Ok!

    I-7 procesor etc. the problem is not up and down, but to the side, I place the light(tail light) exactly in the center of the tail cone, I fly 200 miles and land in another airport, and the light is off center, listen, is not big deal, but after 2 hours working to make it perfect! I get a little uneasy! if you know wat I mean, I sleep well at night!, is not the problem, but If I can make better, I wil be very happy!!

    If you can help me, wil be welcome, but anyway I thank you for your time!!


    Happy landings!


  9. Hi there,


    I have a question over the Shockwave 3D Lights, these lights are really nice and look much more realistic! I want to use this system in a A330 from CLS Simulations, to fit these lights on a airplane is a lot of work (mostly, trial an error!) after 3 hours, I got the tail light and Strove lights exactly in the right place!! then I went to make a short flight from Los Rodeos Tenerife to La Palma, A very short flight!! after the landing( wich was very good!) I did a walkaround to enjoy the new lights in my A330, and when I look the tail light, it wasen't not in the right place!!!!!!

    Can someone explain this extrange situation to me, I'll be very thankfull!! Then I went back to Los Rodeos, and once on the groud, the damn lights where in the right place again!!


    Thanks in advance for help, I'm not new in Flight Simulation, I am busy with these hobby for about 30 years now!!


    Thanks again!



  10. Mr Zippy,


    No, is not the same aircraft, this one is a new version of this airplane with a very nice VC(the other one didn't have a VC) but I have yes the same problem, and the solution that you givme then( Flaps worked fine using either the levers in the VC or the F5 through F8 keys.)it didn't work for me, I did try what you tellme in your message, but to no avail, thats why I'm back and stil looking for an answer, I'm not crazy!, I'm just tired that nobody can help me!


    Thanks anyway



  11. Hi:


    This pop up appear in the VC of the new ANTK Ilyushin 76 MD and I think that has something to do with the fly controls of this aircraft, because I can not use the flaps! if I try to lower the flaps, I can see that the flaps move just a little and stop, and I don't know what to do to make the flaps move in a normal way!

    If someone can help me, wil be very much appreciated!, because the airplane is very nice made, and is a pity that I can not fly with her!







  12. Hello everybody,


    I just download a very nice Ilyushin 76 MD from a russian website, the model is very good made, the shape of the aircraft is very good design, freeware and VC! my only problem is I cannot use the flaps!, they don't came down, the problem here is me, I'm sure! I think that the problem is, I don't know how to power up the flaps!

    If someone can help, wil be very welcome!


    Happy landings!



  13. Hi Mr Zippy,


    Thanks for your message, I did what you tell me and I downloaded the aircraft from the link that you send me, also the KLN90B gauge, before the installation I did get rid of the airplane and all his components, just to be sure that it wil be a complete new installation! finally when I try the flaps with the F4/F8 the flaps are going down, and for a brief moment I was happy!, but (like before)when I let the key loose again, the flaps go up , and I can't do nothing about it, I must said also that the rudder keep doing the trilling thing( I must add, that this doesen't happend if the plane is on the ground!) just happend in the air.

    However, I find out that if I use SHIFT 4 key, I get a window with (I think!) is a system to give the buttons and keys asignments(sorry for this word, I don't know how to write it, but you wil understand!)

    so, I did find out to use 2 buttons in my throttle system, one for flaps down and other for flaps up! it works, the only drawback is when I want to fly again, I have to make the flaps again to work, and this is a bit annoying! don't you think?

    Wel, the only thing now is how to stop the trilling on the rudder( this happend only when I use de rudder for landings etc), when I look the plane from spotview, and I don't use the rudder, is perfect! no trillings, but the moment that I push the pedal right or left, there we go again!!


    Dear Zippy, sorry that I bother you with my problems, if you can help me, will be appreciated!


    Happy flying!



  14. Hi Mr Zippy!


    As usual you are the one to respond first! thanks a lot! I have 2 questions for you, I try what you tellme about F5/ F8 keys, when I push the F8 key, the flaps deploy, but when I let the F8 key loose again, the flaps goin all the way up again!!! how can I make the flaps stop where I wanted, my second question,when the aircraft is in the air and I use the rudder pedals and I wacht from the spot view, the rudder goes crazy, move with a crazy trilling, no very realistic, do you have this issue also? I find the model very nice made, even with Flex-wings, pilots moving in the cockpit, etc, but I don't understand the Russians, why they make the plane with a diferent flaps system than the normal for FSX? extrange people indeed!!


    Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon!



  15. Hello guys,


    I have a question, I just download the very nice Il 76 from Avsin.ru, file name " ilyushin_il-76_md"( if someone wants to have this file just tellme, and I'll try to send it to you!) this airplane appear on the aircrafts list (FSX) with the name of ANTK Ilyushin, a very nice made model of this old aircraft, in my opinion the best on the web, and this one have"flex wings"! she looks very good from every angle, just a little problem, I can not use the Flaps!! all the flight controls work perfect, but the flaps not! can someone help me to solve this problem? I wil be very thankfull!!


    thanks in advance!



  16. Hi there,


    Maybe someone can help me about this! if you have the CLS MD80!, after the pushback, how can I make the pushback truck go away!!! Yes I know is a very stupid question, but I try a lot of things and nothing works, and go flying with the pushback truck attached to the front gear doesen't look good at all! don't you think! so if someone can help me wil be much appreciated!!


    Thanks a lot!



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