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Posts posted by Hazet54

  1. Hi,


    Thanks for the input Rob and MrZippy!


    I checked for double assignments, but there were none.

    I also tried several usb-ports, but it gave the same results.


    This morning it came to my mind that it might have to do with (one of) the connections of the other devices: yoke, trimwheel, radiopanel, etc. that are all connected via a powered USB-hub.

    So I disconnected the USB-hub and voila....X52 working like a charme. Throttle/AB working oke.


    So now I have to find out wich of the devices caused the problem.

    Very strange though that I never experienced this problem before; I have the USB-hub connected for a long time without any problem ?!


    Well, at least I can fly the F-16 again!


    Thank you for your advices/suggestions!

  2. What was the result of testing this:


    1. When the AB has kicked in (so at NO full throttle), press the key assigned to 'full throttle' (default: F4).

    WITHOUT touching your flightstick.


    2. Load a flight with a default aircraft, like a 737 or 747.

    Shut down the engines, open the VC (or 2D panel window) that shows the Throttles animation).

    Now move the Throttle lever on your flightstick for idle to full a few times, and see if it visually 'jitters' at any point (especially in the nearly-full range).





    Hi Rob,


    Pressing F4 when AB kicked in gave the same result: AB stuttering and eventually it 'dies'.

    Using the default 737: when I move throttle from flightstick from idle to full the throttle animation shows erratic behaviour; so, yes, jitters.


    I tried the same with my old flightstick: same results.

    Does that mean it is a softwareproblem? It would be quite a coincidence if booth sticks had hardwareproblems....?


    I also opened up the throttle and applied some contactspray, to no avail...

  3. Hi,


    This sounds like a Hardware problem with your flightstick (== dirt, accumulated at the end of resistance area of a potentiometer, or worn-out taper of the throttle potmeter of the flightstick ).


    Try this:

    When the AB has kicked in (so at NO full throttle), press the key assigned to 'full throttle' (default: F4).

    WITHOUT touching your flightstick.

    If that works OK: your flightstick throttle potmeter is the problem.


    Calibrating your flightstick won't help, since it's an intermittant problem.

    If it's dirt in the potmeter: the only thing that might help, is cleaning the potmeter with a contact-spray.

    But then you have to open-up the flightstick assembly.

    But if it's a worn-out potmeter, only remedy is to replace that part (or buy a new flightstick).


    Of course, my comment is based on you saying you have the same problem with other aircraft, and that re-callibration doesn't help.


    Another way of establishing IF it's a dirty, or worn-out, throttle potmeter of your stick:

    Load a flight with a default aircraft, like a 737 or 747.

    Shut down the engines, open the VC (or 2D panel window) that shows the Throttles animation).

    Now move the Throttle lever on your flightstick for idle to full a few times, and see if it visually 'jitters' at any point (especially in the nearly-full range).

    If it does, it's certainly a flightstick hardware problem.




    @rcbarend: Thanks for your advice. I'll give it a try tomorrow since I am not at home tonight (living in the Netherlands). I will let you know the results!

  4. Hi all,


    I flew the Aerosoft f-16 without any problems for a long time.

    However, a few days ago I suddenly have this problem with the afterburner.

    When I increase thrust the afterburner kicks in, but...when I apply max thrust the afterburner stutters and stops working.


    So I checked with other a/c: the same problem !

    Thinking it might have to do with the Saitek X52 Pro I'm using, I re-calibrated the stick. Problem is still there.


    I also tried re-installing the Aerosoft F-16 package. No avail.

    I checked panel.cfg for the required slashes for Accel-users.


    I've checked this forum and Aerosoft's, but did not find a solution.


    I'm running FSX Acceleration on W10.


    I have no idea how to fix this problem.

    Anything I might have overlooked?

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