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Posts posted by Hossfly68

  1. If I recall correctly, you can change the instruments to show actual airspeed.

    Been a while though, so I could be wrong.

    I used to have a 1967 C-172. I considered myself lucky to make 110mph indicated. My indicator was marked in Mph. I think 110mph is about 95kts. N3760R was a good little plane. We sold it. Then that guy sold it and the guy that bought it didn't handle a crosswind gust and wrapped it into a ball on the way home with it. He lived, but I'm sure he was pretty upset.


    The logic escapes me: even if you could (which you can't) all you'd get is a "virgin file". So what's the point?




    It's all virgin files. Everything was removed and reinstalled. Nothing hidden. fSX.cfg is there. I pulled the BIN files from the CD and put them there, but still nothing after a test flight. It's not that it's a real problem, I never really bothered looking at them. The geek in me says "It's supposed to work, why isn't it working?" And it just bugs me.

  3. Standard looking VOR gauge in Nav 1 spot and speed and milage readout below the frequencies.

    It really flummoxes me too. I keep really detailed records of what I change and what works and what doesn't. You should see my Luftwaffe paint mixes for my model building addiction! Just can't figure out where I stored this little secret to hide it from myself.

  4. Somehow, when I first got the thing, I added a glideslope and VOR distance measurement to the 172n's panel.

    Had a computer glitch and had to reinstall everything and I can't remember how I did it. I've searched for three days in various forums and web pages in vain. Can anybody please tell me how I did it? All I remember when I did it was thinking, "Well that was easy".

    The Carenado 172n flies almost exactly like my old Cessna in real life did but it had the full IFR package and I kind of miss that.

  5. I've added sceneries before and run into the problem of trees in the middle of roads and sometimes runways.

    Turns out that if you see trees in the middle of the road in Hawaii, it may be accurate! People have started planting trees in the potholes to mark them, and probably to embarrass the state's road repair department into fixing the holes that sometimes go unrepaired for almost a year!


  6. Not the power plan settings. It'll be in the USB device settings, guaranteed. I was stumped for nearly a week and having a horrible time until I found an old thread about the problem happening in Windows 8 (or whichever version). Figured "what the hell", found the settings for my USB devices and sure enough they were set to "let Winblows manage power" and I changed it. No more binge drinking from lack of flying and daily stress.
  7. I appreciate the try Brian, but no luck. I tried the first one and it still doesn't see the thrustmaster.

    Opened up the newly created xml file and the Tmaster isn't in there. I have no idea what happened or why it isn't being seen. Kinda sad too. It's a beautiful day for a flight.


    Whoa! Hold up! It's in the one that I changed to .Bak.... Gonna change the name back to xml so it'll at least be in there.


    As near as I can tell, all the entries for the joystick and the ch pedals are the same as for Mouse Yoke and Mouse View entries.

  8. I've been following hints and tips since 8pm last night. Went into steam settings and unchecked all, nothing, rechecked all, nothing. checked one at a time, nothing. turned off AVG, nothing, updated AVG, nothing. I'm lost. The stick works in FS2004 but only options I'm given in FSX is Mouse Yoke and Mouse Look. I just need to shoot some touch and goes for stress reduction and this problem is really adding to the stress. Any weird ideas that nobody has tried yet?

    I'm flying on a Win 10 Home system with DX10 and Steve's Dx10 Fixer, GEX and UTX. No problems up until I tried to fly last night and Steam updated. I even uninstalled the update and went back to the previous version. Nothing.

  9. Last year I experienced "death wobble" in my Jeep. Told my wife I had to have it fixed because it scared the Hell out of me. Mentioned that the Jeep had been paid off since 2010 and I'd like to get a simple little lift kit at about $700 plus installation. She agreed. Got it home a few days later and she said it looked like it skipped leg day at the gym and to go ahead and get bigger tires. I needed new wheels because the tires wouldn't fit on mine. She said go ahead. Told her my spare tire holder wouldn't hold these new tires and I needed a new one. She agreed. The new holder came with a bumper.. problem solved. Brought it home and asked her to go riding with me. She couldn't get in because it was too tall. She told me to get some side steps. Done! It was the three sets of fog lights that finally shut down the Jeep rebuild, but SHE rebuilt my Jeep!

    I've been priming the pump for a new computer since I heard about FS2020.. At this point I think she just agreed to shut me up and because she knows I don't chase loose women. I mean, I would chase them, but I taught her how to shoot and she knows where I sleep. I'm also old and fat, can't catch them anymore and would rather be flying.

  10. Hey Jp! I don't know if it was yesterday or bright and ugly this morning, but I found a YouTube video showing stall and spin characteristics for some of the planes. I've also watched so many I've lost count. I was 10 minutes into a really good one when I realized I'd already seen it. I don't remember the author of the stall and spin video, but if it pops up again, I'll PM you.

    Don't know what kind of flight model they're using now, but the spins looked great and very realistic in the 152 and stalls looked accurate in the 172.

  11. I've seen a lot of references to live AI in the new sim but I'm curious as to how far it goes. Mostly in regards to airlines.

    If it doesn't violate an NDA, could somebody with pre-release experience please explain how it works? For example, if there's a Delta plane flying around in the sim, is there a real world counterpart flying around the same place? Are real airlines even present in the sim?

    Or is it only when flying online that you see other online players? None of the videos I've found on YouTube have shown it in detail.

  12. That's what I was thinking. I had pretty much settled on the 7 3700 until I started reading more stuff about it yesterday. I'm also pretty sure that this next computer better last a good long time (or be easily upgraded every year or two) in order not to get in trouble with the Chief Financial Officer. God knows she lets me get away with having model planes all over the place and the three month long rebuild of my Jeep!

    As it is, I'll be waiting at least until the Big Navi and the RTX 3080 come out to see if I can work one of those into the budget. I'm planning on Nvidia GPU and thought I might just get a 2080 Super and call it good. That'd be easily upgraded later.

    The wife is a college teacher and has been teaching from home since March. She actually decided to upgrade our internet speed and has agreed to letting me rewire the house to have cables in several rooms so we don't have to rely on wifi for her Zoom meetings (and my online flying when the new puter gets built).

  13. That's what I was thinking. I had pretty much settled on the 7 3700 until I started reading more stuff about it yesterday. I'm also pretty sure that this next computer better last a good long time (or be easily upgraded every year or two) in order not to get in trouble with the Chief Financial Officer. God knows she lets me get away with having model planes all over the place and the three month long rebuild of my Jeep!

    As it is, I'll be waiting at least until the Big Navi and the RTX 3080 come out to see if I can work one of those into the budget. I'm planning on Nvidia GPU and thought I might just get a 2080 Super and call it good. That'd be easily upgraded later.

    The wife is a college teacher and has been teaching from home since March. She actually decided to upgrade our internet speed and has agreed to letting me rewire the house to have cables in several rooms so we don't have to rely on wifi for her Zoom meetings (and my online flying when the new puter gets built).

  14. I've always heard that Microsoft Flightsim (all versions) are more compatible with an Intel CPU. I ran FS2004 on an AMD and FsX on an Intel, and both seemed to work fine. The time has come to build a new desktop though and since I will be getting FS2020 shortly after that, I figured I'd ask if it still mattered or if it even ever did. I'm leaning toward AMD more for the bang for the buck reasons but would be able to go with Intel if it really made a difference.

    I've looked around for a definitive answer but haven't had any success, and found mostly posts from 2002 or that era, so I'll keep looking while eagerly awaiting the flame storm I've probably ignited.

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