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Posts posted by jvburden

  1. mallcott


    Thank you for your suggestion.


    I am running under windows 10. Could only find a Generic USB Hub and 2 USB Root Hubs (USB 3.0) that had a Power Management folder attached in the Device Manager. All had a check mark allowing the system to disengage under power constraints. I have removed the check marks and will see if I have the desired results. Will report back on my results.

  2. Looking For Help after no help from Zendesk.


    I plan an ILS Flight and execute it to destination with out a hitch, all functions that I use perform very well without issues whether I am using the mouse for Panel controls or my Proflight Yoke System for controlling the aircraft.


    Issue arises at destination. After landing ATC asks for the next available exit to be taken from runway. The Blue Taxing System comes to life and directs me to the Gate. A requests comes from ATC to now contact Ground Control. If I ignore this request, I can Taxi up to the assigned Gate with out any issues with either the Mouse or the Proflight System. If I follow ATC request and make Contact with Ground Control, Ground Control responds with voice instructions to the assigned Gate. After making contact with Ground Control by use of the Mouse ALL controls by Mouse and the Proflight System are frozen/disengaged. If the aircraft is moving when this happens, the aircraft keeps on moving until it hits a building or solid object and stops. Engines keep on running until the controls are reinstated.


    To reinstate the controls, I have to ESC out of the flight to the Controls Section, highlight the Saitek Proflight Controls that I have mapped into the system, click them with the mouse and then ESC/Resume to the flight, all controls functions have now been reinstated and I can continue taxing to the gate without further issues.


    Than you for your assitance.

  3. I have purchased the MSFS Deluxe edition on download directly from Microsoft. A Shortcut has been placed on my Desktop. From the shortcut I am able to start the game and use all the functions from it's menu. I have tried to import liveries, but I cannot find the 'Community File' where I am supposed to copy the liveries too. I cannot find any references to MSFS files on my computer. I do not have an 'APP' in my user area either.


    Can someone please give me directions?


    Thank you for your time.

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