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Everything posted by longbreak754

  1. As I stated previously, the MSXML component is part of the OS system - it is not a part of FSX but merely a required component that FSX requires to run. The files associated with it are stored OUTSIDE of FSX as the are used by many programmes. Furthernore, you should not simply be 'unzipping' the contents - files that have a .msi extension are dedicated MS installation executable files and work similar to other executable such as .exe or .bat files Try this..... Use the link provided earlier and download the msxml.msi option. Save it to a temp location. Right click on the saved file and select Install from the menu. The installer info page should open. Click Run - a welcome page should appear. Click Next. What appears next will depend on a number of factors. If no MSXML 4 install is detected it will automatically install the package into the required location. If a MSXML 4.0 install is detected it will offer 3 choices, Modify, Repair or Remove. Select the Repair option. Once the installer has finished reboot the PC using the RESTART option.
  2. Did you download MSXML4 SP2 from the link I gave in Option 3 provided in post #13 and install it? If you did, what error messages, if any, did you get during its install or after when trying to run FSX? MSXML 4 SP2 is a totally different component to the FSX_SP2_ENU file - it is a OS wide system based component whereas the _ENU file is a FSX specific language file. If you haven't downloaded it do so. Do not run it directly from the download but save it to a temp location. Then right click on the file and select the Run as Admin option and let it install. Reboot the PC after the install to allow system files and the registry to be updated. WRT to getting another copy of FSX. If you want to go down the download route then Steam is the only option. It will be cheaper that sourcing a disc based copy and already has many of the proven tweaks applied. As the Steam version is basically the FSX Deluxe version with the Acceleration pack, the vast majority of your current addons will work fine with it. The only issue is that they may not automatically find the default install path as it is buried deeper than the normal FSX default path.
  3. A bit of useful information for those who still use Win 7. As you know MS will be ending all support for Win 7 in Apr 2020. As part of phase out it seems MS will again start 'nagging' Win 7 users about upgrading to Win 10. This page may be of use to those who want to avoid the nags.....
  4. One way I know of is to see what the name of the .gvp files you have. They are located in the following folder locations: FSX\Sound\ATC - one or more files with a .gvp and/or a .gvporg extension FSX\Sound|ATC\ASOS - usually a single file. English based files will start with USEnglish
  5. The 'requires the English version' statement implies that you either have a non-english version of the game OR that the language element is missing or corrupted. Three options you could try - a repair of the FSX install, attempt manually installing the MSXML 4 component from your FSX disk or downloading a suitable language based MSXML4 SP2 update. Option 1 - Insert FSX disc ONE and run the repair option. Option 2 - Insert FSX disc TWO into the drive and stop it from auto-running. Right click on the drive icon and select OPEN from the resulting menu. This will show the contents of the disc. Scroll down the contents to located a file named msxml - it will have a standard MS Windows Installer icon. Double click on the file to run the program. Once the installer has done its work reboot and test FSX. Option 3 - Go to this MS PAGE and download a version compatible with language version you have. As you are using Win 10 a possible relevant point to make here is that, if you have the English version of the game and methods 1 or 2 resolves the issue, it may still be beneficial to download and install the English version of this file.
  6. @spirittoo This is not a Steam related issue but a sim related issue - it happens with the boxed version of FSX as well. As I don't use pedals I have not directly encountered this type of problem. I have seen other threads relating to this type of issue and many seem to be resolved by installing the latest available driver/software for the device. WRT to it not being listed have you checked ALL controller related settings. When you first go the page it lands on the Calibrate page but if you click on the other two tabs you may find that is appears under one of those. I seem to remember that sometimes the pedals are seen as a 'joystick' on the main page but that if you go to the control axes tab there will be an option in the dropdown menu for the rudder pedals. Another option would be to disconnect the pedals, throttle and stick and then reboot the PC. Then reconnect each item starting with the pedals (using a different USB slot than previously used) and see what happens . The only other advice I can offer is to use google to search for solutions specific to the brand of pedals that you are using. The search will probably throw up links to many of the flightsim threads relating to the issue.
  7. Steam has a specific procedure that allows you to move the Steam Client and/or downloaded content, i.e. installed games. Simply manually moving them will not work. Steam is actually best viewed as having two parts - the Client (which acts as your gateway to your account, the Steam website/shop, etc) and the Library (this is where your downloaded content is stored) By default, when you first install Steam and create your account all that is there is the basic Client. As part of the installation it creates a sub folder called SteamApps. A further set of subfolders are also created within this folder, one being called Common, and it is this folder that becomes, by default, the Library location. When you download content it will automatically be installed into the SteamApps\Common folder in a specific folder named after the product - i.e. SteamApps\Common\FSX-SE. Using the tools available via your account library settings, you can dictate where new content is installed (either for all content or on a product by product basis) or move previously installed items to a new location. It must be noted that Steam will always use the SteamApps\Common part of file naming structure irrespective of what you name the root target folder. I.E if you were to move game A to a new drive the folder structure will look like this example: D:\GameA\SteamApps\Common\GameA
  8. @ spirittoo - The installer should have placed DX in the required location automatically. The problem may be permission related with regards to how you installed it..... @ Th1racer - Your issue is probably related to a fairly well known issue regarding Win 10. Win 10 does not ship with DX9 by default. As you have only copied over the FSX files you would not have any DX9 related files as they are System files and are stored outside of FSX. Even if you had the discs you will still have problems as the version of DX9 included on the discs is woefully out of date and are known to be incompatible with Win 10.... I suggest that you both try this..... 1. Go to this MS WEBPAGE and download the DX redist pack. Save the .exe fill to a temp location - DO NOT RUN IT directly from the download options. 2. Right click on the saved .exe and select Run as Administrator from the options listed. Let the installer do its work. NOTE that the redist pack includes files for DX9 (versions A to c), DX10 and DX11. The install process will check for what versions are installed and then install missing versions and/or replace missing, corrupted or invalid files of any version already installed. 3. Once the install process has finished reboot the PC using the following method: @ spirittoo - Win 7 - use the shutdown option and then restart the PC. @ Tk1racer - Win 10 - use the restart option. The reboot is essential to allow the windows registry and important system files to be updated. Once the PC has restarted test FSX. Other things that you both need to consider is what other essential 'library' files may be missing, especially with Win 10 as, by default, it ships without some of the earlier versions of such 'libraries' that FSX relies on. The main essential ones are: Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable packs - specifically version 2005 and 2008 but I also recommend installing 2010 as well. You can find download links for earlier versions HERE You will need to download the relevant 'bit' version for your OS (i.e. 32 or 64 bit). Click on the required link and a standard download option box will appear - DO NOT run the installer from this but select the Save As option and save the file to temp location. To install, right click on the file and select the Run as Administrator option. Install each package separately, starting with the oldest version, and reboot using the appropriate option for your OS version stated above between each install. .NET Framework - specifically versions 3.5 and 4 - download from HERE and HERE - download and install using the same procedure for the C++ files. It is worth pointing out that you can have multiple versions of these 'libraries' installed. They are not just required by FSX but are used by many programs and apps. They will work happily along side each other and a program or app will automatically use the most compatible version.
  9. Hi Blair, I have re-installed the DC-10 and can confirm that switch 2 is inoperative and only for 'looks'..... Not a problem really, because in the real world a pilot can activate the AP using switch 1 or 2 with only one being active at any given time. When 2 switches (or more correctly 'channels') are provided, one channel (usually channel/switch 1) is the Master and the other (switch 2) is a standby. If the AP is activated using switch 1 and switch 2 is then selected the system will automatically disconnect switch 1 so that 'control' passes to channel/switch 2. WRT to the L-1011 - You may find this model of interest (see HERE) I have it and am very happy with it. Note that there are TWO versions - standard and professional. I originally got the standard version back in 2014 and then brought the professional upgrade in late 2016 when it and the professional version was released. The standard version can be considered as a 'light' version in terms of complexity/functionality WRT to flight deck procedures etc.....
  10. I don't currently have the product installed so can't do a check flight but if IIRC........ Are you talking about the switch that is positioned on the right hand side of the autopilot (AP) panel directly above the ALT hold button? If so, as long as switch ONE is on then that is all you need for the AP to function correctly. With most aircraft addons that have two AP command switches modelled - usually labelled AP1 and AP2 (or similar) - you can usually select either of the buttons to control the AP. However, IME some are modelled so that only ONE switch functions (usually AP1) and the other is simply there as an 'inactive' switch that would normally be 'visible' in the real cockpit and, again IIRC, this is one of those models...…….
  11. @ UPHILL3... You can control to some extent what MS products/apps as follows: 1. Go to the Update and Security setting page, 2. Under the Update Setting select Advanced Options. 3. Under Choose How Updates Are Installed section untick the box next to the Give me updates for other MS products.........option. WRT to the update process 'looping' - 3 reasons why this happen and how to avoid them are: Reason 1 - the download of the an update was disrupted, either accidentally or on purpose. Windows will try to install what it has but then encounter issues. Solution: Try to let windows fully download all updates uninterrupted. Reason 2 - You are using and/or have declared that you are using a 'metered' internet connection. In this case windows will initially only try to download those updates it considers essential. However, eventually it will try to download other updates which may lead to the same issues as detailed for reason 1. Solution: Run a manual update session. This overrides the 'metered' connection setting. Alternative, make sure that you don't have the metered option selected. Reason 3 - This is the most common reason for such issues. When windows installs updates some need to have a 'restart' to finish of the update process. I have noticed that if you action a restart using the Start menu option, using the 'Update and restart' or 'Update and shutdown' options, it doesn't always action the update correctly. Whilst it appears to do the update(s) and restarts when you next go to the menu it will still say that a updates are awaiting a restart. Solution: When you see any of the 'update' options in the start menu go to the Update and Security settings page. You will see, under the Update Status section, a message stating that a restart is required and a button labelled 'Restart Now'. Click on this button and let it do its thing. When I first got Win 10 I got this problem and this solution always cleared up the issue for me. I started to (and now) routinely use the solution and have never had any such issue since.
  12. Are you sure that this is related to a OOM issue and not something else. What actually happens - Is there a 'regularity' to it - i.e. does it happen after a set period of time (say always after 30-40 mins)or it is random (say sometimes only after 10 mins whilst at other times it may be much longer). Does the flight simply 'freeze', either with or without sound, or does it exit to desktop? What errors messages, if any, do you get? Do you make a lot of cockpit switch selections or click on the menu system extensively during the flight - these actions can also cause issues that may not directly cause or be related to an OOM. The more details you give the more likely you will a resolution to the problem......
  13. Hi Andrew, First, WRT creating System Restore points (SRP)- this can be done manually - google how to do it for your OS version OR get a copy of a free utility called Restore Point Creator from HERE - the tool can be used to configure auto creation of SRPs on a set schedule as well as manual ones as required. It also offers other tools such a disk space management for the storage of SRP's and deletion of old ones. WRT a manual removal - it can be done but will require several steps to do it completely. Although IOBit is good its main drawback, as identified by Chuck, is that for it to function best it must be installed prior installing other products. IOBit may be able to clean up after a manual removal of a program installed before it was installed but it may miss something. There a number of other freeware products available (such as CCleaner) that don't need to be installed prior to other products to function correctly and I suggest that you download and install one prior to doing the removal. - see this LINK for an ideal of what is available or google the phrase registry cleaner. Also create a restore point beforehand. First, remove any 3rd party addons, either via an uninstaller if the product provided one (normally payware rarely with freeware) as this will ensure that the associated registry key is deleted, or manually. Note that any manually installed 3rd party stuff will have no associated entries in Windows registry so can simply be deleted anyway (or backed up as is for future reinstallation). Then attempt to remove the sim via the windows program and features utility. If that does not work and you are forced to do a full manual deletion do so by deleting the main sim folder first and then files/folders the following locations - backup any files that you may want to keep, such as the logbook, etc: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\ C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ C:\Documents\ Once you manually deleted the sim reboot - this will allow any changes to made to registry entries. Once the PC has restarted run IOBit and see what it finds. Reboot and then run the other cleaner and see what it finds.
  14. Hi Andy, Although a FSX user now when I had FS2004 I used a fuel loader app, can't remember the name of it, but I do remember that it did have a function to print off what was termed 'Dispatch Notes' which basically gave details of fuel and weight loads etc. So something simple to check for....... Does the app you use offer the ability to print out reports - if so check the printer related settings. Many apps, not just FS related, that offer such print functions often set themselves to on or auto print on initial install
  15. WRT the 'fairly fresh' W7 install. Have you installed both the official W7 SP (SP1) and the unofficial SP2 (an MS update for W7 that for some reason MS doesn't call an SP) - google the phrase Windows 7 Sp and you should get a page that lists both SPs. Simply installing W7 and then running windows update will not get you the SPs nor indeed many other updates - W7 is now in Extended Support which means that only security related issues are being offered. Also consider checking that you have the latest versions of essential packages such as .NET, C++ Runtime etc.....
  16. In my experience some of the loss is down to elevation issues. Over the years I have incorporated a lot of FS2004 airport scenery (mainly MAIW but also other stuff) into FSX. It is well know that there are slight variations between the elevation data used in FS2004 and FSX and elevation related issues can be compounded even more if using a terrain mesh add-on. WRT to my experience - I have found that many of the FS2004 stuff works OK but 'dis-appearing' arrows are fairly common. In most instances I have resolved the issue using Airport Designer Editor (ADE) to add a 'airport backround' poly and/or a 'landclass flatten' poly. I have also used this method on a number of FSX native sceneries. Sometimes, the issue can also be caused by unconnected taxi links - again I use ADE to check for this.
  17. @ Azwildcat..... As you have alluded to in the your OP, there a few things that W10 will cause an issue with, especially as its a new install (I assume pre-installed) version. The main cause is due, in part, to how MS rolled out W10 and its lack of 'backward' compatibility due to missing essential software that many older products rely on. The good news is that most of this 'old' software can be added to W10 with no issues. In relation to FSX/FSX-SE the two essential pieces that are missing and causes most of the problems are: DirectX (DX) 9 - FSX/FSX-SE needs DX9 to run. W10 does not ship with DX9 installed - it only ships with DX10 and 11 installed and possibly DX12 if it a post Oct 16 build (DX12 support was added as part of the so-called 'anniversary' update released in Oct 16). The DX9 that ships on the FSX discs is woefully out of date and incompatible with W10. I don't own FSX-SE but seeing as it also appears to suffer from the same issue I assume that the DX9 it installs also suffers the same issue. SOLUTION - install FSX and then download the latest DX Redistributes package from the MS website. Save to a temp location and run the installer with Admin Rights. Visual C++ 2005 Libraries - again required by FSX/FSX-SE to run and again not included by default in a vanilla W10 install. SOLUTION As with DX9, get the latest version from the MS website and install with Admin rights. You can view what Visual C++ packages are already installed using the Program and Features tool.
  18. Hi Mike, I don't own or use Instant Scenery (IS). My observations are based on my experience of using Airport Design Editor (ADE) and installing Scenery Object Libraries and other scenery packages. ADE has a 'library' tool for importing objects from scenery libraries so that they can be placed into scenery. When viewing an object prior to adding it, it displays the GUID that I mentioned in my last post. Maybe there is some way that you can do the same in IS to check out if the files are really 'duplicates'.
  19. By duplicate 'file names' I mean just that and not duplicate 'entries' of the same file For example two separate libraries (say called Lib1 and Lib2) may have texture files called ABC.bmp and ABCD.bmp - in Lib1 the ABC.bmp file may be a car object, in Lib2 a tree object. The ABCD.bmp could be reversed so becoming a tree in Lib1 and car object in Lib2. Each individual item is assigned what is called a GUID (an alpha-numerical ID) and this is used to reference the objects within the libraries' when objects are placed within a scenery, which in turn is stored within the .bgl scenery file. Basically, when the .bgl file is loaded by FSX, it references the GUID to display the correct item. If you use a single folder to store all objects then, in the case of the example above, if you install Lib1 first and then Lib2 when you install Lib2 it will, depending on your system settings, either automatically overwrite files or ask you if you want to overwrite the original or rename the new files. If you answer A. yes - it will overwrite, B. no - it will ask to rename the file or automatically assign a new name based on the old name with additional characters - ABC(1).bmp for example. Thus, depending on what action was used: If A - Any scenery that uses the Lib1 package will not display trees and cars as the GUIDs don't match. Those that use Lib2 will display correctly. If B - Any scenery that uses the Lib1 package will display trees and cars correctly as the GUIDs match. Those that use Lib2 MAY display correctly as the GUIDs match a file reference BUT IME are more likely not to display at all or with issues as the filename will not be recognised. the issues range from a partially drawn object, black squares or 'failure to load' error message.
  20. Definitely install as separate packages.....some packages may have duplicate file names. The best place for them in the scenery listing, IME, is as far down as possible BUT above the default FSX/FS2004 entries.
  21. WRT to .dll file - The .18000 seems to be the one that works for most people. Try it and test. If it doesn't work delete is and load the other one........ Something you can do when a freeze happens is to open task manger/resource monitor and see if a 3rd party app that you are not aware of is trying to do something in the background - for example trying to connect to the internet to update.
  22. Walter, Have you tried the tool I suggested. When your first install it, it reads the scenery.cfg file and creates a list of what it finds there. It will then highlight problem areas. Another option to try, if you have not done so, is to simply delete (or rename) the current scenery.cfg file. When the sim is started it will create a new one based on what it finds.
  23. Get the following freeware tool Scenery Config Editor (found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/fs-sceditor/). Its a great tool that works for both FS2004 and FSX and can help you identify problem areas. Take time to read the included readme file as it gives some great tips. It also allows you to activate/disable scenery from outside of the sim - next time you start the sim it automatically updates the sim scenery database. It even has an option to do a 'batch' update of multiple scenery folders located within a single higher folder - i.e. if your scenery setup is based on a series of folders under a root folder - say, for example, something like C:\Addon Scenery\UK airports and C:\Addon Scenery\USA airports. you can use the tool to individually activate the UK or USA folders or you can tell it to activate everything under Addon Scenery. It will read both UK and USA folders and they will be activated as separate folders in the priority list.
  24. Firstly, I an not sure from your post if you are a aware of the location that the .xml file is stored so here are the details - In FSX SP2, the exe.xml file will be located in C:\Users\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\ - along with other default FSX files such as the FSX.cfg file. Also note that there may be a file called dll.xml located here - more of which later. I don't have FSX-SE but my understanding is that if you have both FSX and FSX-SE installed the SE files will be installed in the same location but under a different folder name - ie at C:\Users\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX-SE. If there are no similair default entries there then they may well be buried in a steam specific directory, most commonly found at C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\. A simple solution might be to install into FSX SP2 again - this will give you a copy of the .xml file. Then do a manual install into FSX-SE, copy the .xml from SP2 to SE and then edit it to reflect the SE location. It is worth noting that when you run the auto-installer it does specifically ask if you want to create an .exe.xml file - the box is unchecked by default so must be checked. Also, once the install is complete you can view the details of where it has installed items - so that can give you a pointer as to where it has created the .xml file. The .xml file can be edited in notepad. If there is no .xml present you can create one by simply creating a new text document and naming it exe.xml. This is what the contents of the exe.xml should look like: Launch EXE.XML False False False False AICarriers D:\Addon Scenery\AI Shipping\AICarriersV2\aicarriers.exe -nogui In the example the items in BLACK are the basic file commands and should be present only once. The actual commands that are required to allow AICarriers (or any other addon that requires use of a .exe.xml type file) to work are in BLUE/RED and there can be multiple entries for each individual add-on. The lines in blue are common to most addons - those in red are the specific to the addon. The entry is what is displayed in the Add-on menu and the entry is the same as the location that the main AIcarriers folder and .exe file are located. WRT the dll.xml file – if you have installed any other addons, for example the FSX SDK package, FSUIPC and other (mainly payware) addons, it may already be there. Basicially, the dll.xml is another name for (and does the same thing as the exe.xml does) and is the more commonly accepted file name used by developers. The contents of the dll.xml is exactly the same as those in the exe.xml. If one is present in FSX SP2 or FSX-SE you could simply cut and paste the BLUE/RED lines into the dll.xml file.
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