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Posts posted by Big777jet

  1. joaopaz~


    Where should I put folder at for 4GB_patch.exe at? C:\\Mircosoft games\ which folder?


    I think I have a problem with dumb panel lost GPS, MAP, speed some of them not working anymore. Is that causing virtual memory losing for the panel issues?


    Please tell me how to put and run correctly? I do not want to screw it up my vintage FS2004 files. I have to be careful with this.


    Thanks a lot,



  2. Hello to All Folks,


    I just installed downloading from my old Windows 10 to upgrade Windows 11 Sunday night while I go to bed. Monday morning, I woke up to see if works. I see a little bit changed new features on Wins 11. A few programs don't work Explorer folder (not Windows). It doesn't work. I deleted and new download Explorer files. It works it was very similar to the application last time. I struggled with the DXTBMP program. I was a little confused and I found out the format feature was not the same old as Wins 10. I figured and it works saved BMP and resized. It worked. Pheww. Then I ran ADE FS2004 it works fine. I ran the FS2004 flight simulator without a glitch. Horray! All is good. I hope never to stop running FS2004 next round Windows 12! Please DON'T STOP it. LOL Have a nice Holiday and be safe be well.



  3. Are you sure that Windows 11 after updating download and will it FS2004 start fine? Any comments additional software download or edit or remove?


    I am very afraid of downloading the windows 11 update. I want to keep FS2004 and ADE9 running.


    Thank you,



  4. OK, What is the cause of the problem? I tried 50 times installed and uninstall. EVERYTHING!!! I have already had FSUIPC in the modules folder. How can't be SBuilder can't find it? How can't be working? How can't be missing? How do I fix this Windows 10? Windows 10 is a very dumb system. It was WORKING 3 months ago somehow stupid my mouse click moved folder a whole my Flight Simulator 9 went off folder to another folder. I fixed to bring it back where it belongs now everything is screwed it up! SBuilder LOST! I already CLEAN and DELETED folder SBuilder from C:/ it was not working after new installed. It does not work! Why? Last time it was worked. I don't UNDERSTAND!


    Please help me. It was very frustrating for 3 days working on it for hours and hours!





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