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File Comments posted by Flattermann

  1. Hi Ron, I tried to do as you said, but no luck. It doesn't matter. I changed the panel-file to them from my PiperCherokee 28 180 and now I have a 2D panel. 

    I tried also the glass bmp with MCX but it doesn't work. I replaced it by a glass.bmp from an other aircraft but it doesn't work also. Maybe something other makes the shadow. No problem I am thankful for the aircraft and for your help.

    Best regards


  2. Hi Ron, thanks for your reply. I have now created a totally flyable Cherokee 2K2 Turboprop 140 from your zip files. I am satisfied that it gains altitude faster after takeoff than before.
    The only problem is the panel. There are almost no gauges visible only black holes. I have a lot of freeware aircrafts without this problem. Copying the gauges files to FSX/Gauges did not help.
    A second problem is the lack of visibility through the VC cockpit. I move the view (with CTRL+Backspace) so far forward that the view becomes clear. See the attachment.
    Once again, I am nevertheless satisfied with the result and thank you for your efforts.
    About your JPEG screen: As you know, it is very difficult to find the corresponding download with just a zip file.
    Thanks again for your help
    Best regards



  3. Hi Ron

    Now (with the help of an other Virusprogram) I could download the file FSX PIPER TURBOPROP TRAINER (cherokee_2k2_tprop.zip) and the 

    file  FSX Cherokee External Panel Kit (panel_projection_kit_cherokee_2k2_upd.zip).

    The file 'Panel.1' I found in the second zipfile (panel_projection_kit_cherokee_2k2.zip)  ...without 'upd'....

    Next I will try to put the three together.


    Best regards


  4. Thank you for the answer. I found your tipp on this side concerning 'Speed Improvements for Cross Country Flights'


    First: I made a download mistake >cherokee 440 instead of cherokee 140';so I couldn't get the right result.


    Second: I tried the right txt for FSX Piper PA-28 Cherokee 2K2X Project Update /November 10, 2021

    and        Cherokee_2K2X_UPD.ZIP 11/10/2021 ( is it the same?) 

    I found them on this website and tried to download but my browser Google Chrome blocked both because of Danger!?


    best regards


  5. I can't update the Piper PA-28-440 Cherokee 2K2 Turboprop Trainer because I only found the file legacy_cherokee_2k2x.zip but not the file Legacy_Cherokee_2K2X_UPD.ZIP.

    Apart from I found no 'model1' and no 'ui_variation=N5456F' . The downloaded Cherokee 2K2 has the ui_variation=N1872R and is slightly a other aircraft. 

    Where can I download the FSX version to update?

  6. Thanks for this interesting model. One question I have to the remark The passenger in the front seat can be toggled using Tailhook. As far as I know normally you have to use CTRL+Q with FSX Acceleration for the Tailhook. In my settings for this key combination is 'VIEW_ALWAYS_PAN_DOWN' . At the Standard.XML there is no Tailhook mentioned. 

    How  can I fix this problem?

    Greetings, Christian  

  7. I tried to find the same place and think there are some sceneryelements missing at the picture from andreasprotzen.

    Especially the mentioned Prerequisite installations in the installationpdfile eg Greece Mesh Terrain or others.

    look at my attachement.


  8. 12 hours ago, Vangelis Vasilias said:

    Now we are ok  You can get the lglm Limnos airport_Update.zip and put the apropriate files to FSX_scenery_World_scenery and FSX_SimObjects_Boats

    Sorry now I see three boats are new in the update. Again thank you for your effort at old FSX😉

  9. Thank you for this wonderful scenery with many objects (villages) but no problems with FPS😃

    One thing I didn't find a trafficfile for the boats? Did you forget? It is not a big problem because I can such files make for my own.😉

    Πολύ ορέα ευχαριστώ😆 

    • Sad 1
  10. Hi, this is strange. I loaded this scenery and activated it in my FSX and there is no bridge to excluse?!

    Maybe a other scenery is the culprit for this bridge. There many other sceneries from the same author; a generell bridge-scenery? I think your scenery is a bit different to mine - see the second image. 

    The name of my scenery is 'nzme_mercer-4x.zip'. I loaded it from this FSX-download.



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