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Posts posted by iainso

  1. We'll be taking off from Moscow Sheremetyevo airport at 21:30, and it's a 12 minute flight south-east to Red Square. Here is a video of the route: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-BR4zpgtUE.


    I'm not doing any special in-game hosting or discord group for this (just hoping to see lots of people in Cessna's doing this route, and take some screenshots), but if anyone else wants to please go-ahead! My tag is Basatasa.

  2. ebay.co.uk is your friend here, interestingly the disc version is currently sold out on amazon.co.uk and selling for about 30% above retail price on ebay! I'm sure they will do another print-run soon though, and you could order from amazon.co.uk to deliver to a freight forwarding service (they won't ship it outside europe). Be warned though, the disc version requires the disc be inserted in the drive while playing and also is key locked (so you can't resell it).
  3. I'm finding that settings that get me about 30fps 2000 feet over a city seem about right, if I strive for higher fps it's a bit smoother but not worth the loss of scenery quality. But going ultra and getting 20fps or below is not worth it.


    The biggest issue I have with the graphics however is that I can't find how to increase the detail radius. Took off from from O'Hare today and not being familiar with the region did not know if Chicago would be north, south, east or west - assumed I'd see the sky scrapers from 1000 ft, but no, ended up having to check which way to fly on google maps - when I did get to the skyscrapers (which appear as weird triangles at first) it was awesome though.

  4. I don't think I'll be able to resist not going for the premium edition, but only really expect to use the 787 and LHR.


    How good do people think the 787 is likely to be? I'm mostly interested in throttle-and-stick flying, practicing landings, short flights. Won't touch autopilot or fmc, so if a few of these things are non-op like on FSX it's not the end of the world - it is important to me that the plane handles like a 787 though - if it's letting me do loops in it like the Extra 300 then forget it.

  5. Gaming consoles are the boxes you plug into your TV, like the PlayStations and Xboxes. While earlier consoles were focused entirely on games, that latest generations, especially the Xbox line, are more like specialized entertainment PCs. They support steering wheels, joysticks, throttles, rudder pedals, mice and keyboards and can run other apps besides just games. One of the main differences between the consoles and a traditional PC is that consoles are cheaper and mostly plug and play. You don't need to worry about drivers, Windows settings or tweaking game configurations. The down side is that they are locked down as to what you can install as everything either comes on disc or through the built-in digital store. You can't download something off a random website and run it like you can on a PC, for example.


    Regarding the new sim, we only know that it is coming to the current Xbox One and upcoming Xbox Series X consoles. Beyond that they haven't provided any more details, including a release date for the console version. For those looking for a relatively cheap path to running the sim, an Xbox console is certainly worth a look.


    Looking forward to being able to do some scenery tours and seat-of-the-pants flying from my sofa, but

    can we get decent joysticks/yokes for the xbox one? Doubt it, and can't imagine trying to fly with an xbox controller (done it in hawx, and flying x-wings in star wars - it's just weird)

  6. Aside from MSFS, anyone else old enough to recall these ones?


    Fighter Pilot - My first experience of flight simulation, saw it on a friends ZX Spectrum when I must have been 9 years old, made me want to be a fighter pilot.


    ACE (Air Combat Emulator) - a lot like the above, slightly better I think.


    Chuck Yeagers AFT - the best of all the 80s ones, arrived at the end of the decade.


    Tomahawk - Really good Apache sim, had a weird security feature called a lenslock or something.


    Gunship - Another Apache sim, not as playable as tomahawk, but had more features.


    Acrojet - one of the few non-shooters, object was to fly around doing stunts, cutting ribbons.


    Strike Force Harrier - Wasn't as good as I hoped it would be.


    Jump Jet - Another Harrier game, was an even bigger disappointment


    Ace of Aces - Think I spent some good hours on this one.



    Did I miss any? Arcady ones like Afterburner and Thunderblade don't count.


    In some ways I'm jealous of kids born today, starting out with amazing flight sims available, on the other hand I feel privileged to have seen the evolution and progress of home flight simulation since the beginning.

  7. I have been browsing anyhow and have come up with this. Not buying yet but i do like to be ready [emoji16]


    Intel 10700X (I'm an intel man)

    Geforce Rtx2080ti

    32gb ram

    1 500gb ssd

    1tb storage drive

    700w psu

    Water Cooler


    I will probably have it built to spec either locally or through Wired2Fire.


    The minute we have a release date i shall be pressing the button. [emoji16]



    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


    Looks like a good spec, but I'd be tempted to go all in on SSDs (is your 1tb storage a spinning disk? that's going to be a weak link). As for storage space, if you're only playing FS2020 then according to their specs you should be fine, but if you may find you want to do other stuff too.


    I spec'd and purchased a mid-range gaming PC last year with 500Gb SSD and immediately regretted not getting more storage, I found I wanted to try other games, DCS, VR, blu-ray ripping and editing, also bought 80Gb of orbx UK scenery for xplane 11 (xplane 11 is horribly slow loading from spinning disk). Within a month I'd bought a 1Tb SSD for it.

  8. A search for trackir on the UK ebay site turns up loads of trackir sets that look identical to the one on the naturalpoint site but half the price (same on Amazon but a bit more expensive). Has anyone got one of these and do they work ok? Not interested in the LED headset clip one (I don't wear a headset), the one with the reflectors that go in baseball cap is what I'm looking for.
  9. Been struggling to land the 747 the same way as I can land the Cessna - which I'm able to make settle softly on the runway at stall speed +1 or 2 knots.


    If it try to land much faster than stall speed in the 747 I'll nearly always float or bounce, and at best use up a large chunk of runway before having all wheels on the ground.


    Trying to land near stall speed I'll nearly always end up stalling and crashing or at least wrecking the undercarriage.

  10. Hi,


    I picked up a ps3 eye cam for the cost of some peanuts (literally) and have been experimenting with facetracknoir. Spent an hour flying circuits in x-plane with different settings, but not sure I'm going to be able to get used to holding my head still when I don't want the view to change, and not looking down at my keyboard. Is this something you get used to with time?


    If worth persisting, would it also be worth picking up an IR pass filter for the cam, and a headset? facetracknoir seemed a bit jerky, and buggy (gets lost completely sometimes), will this be better with the freetrack software and ir?


    Also, is it really necessary to have the cam mounted on the top of the monitor? I have mine on the desk pointing up at me

  11. After a long hiatus from flight simming I'm now back, and with a more powerful PC.


    I always used to play FSX on my old core2duo, it was never up to running the latest xplane.


    Just purchased xplane 11, along with TrueEarth South UK Demo and getting my feet wet.


    First impressions are very good, only thing that disappointed a little was the default scenery isn't great. The trueearth scenery does a nice job though, and the free demo even has my local Ikea in Southampton.


    I was looking at the settings menu and see some of them (particularly antialiasing) are set low by default.


    Are these initial settings based on what it detects my system can handle, or are they the same for every install?


    What is a good location/aircraft from which to test and benchmark performance? I used to use Rio, and a fast jet in FSX.


    What settings are my system likely able to handle? I have a single 28" monitor, an SSD, and 32Gb RAM (in addition to the specs in my signature)


    Was thinking about further investing in VR or multi-monitor, would my system be up to it?

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