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Posts posted by djfierce

  1. I sure hope future updates or hotfixes help. I'm running on "high end", lowered my framerate to 30, turned vsync off, ran it without programs in the background, and it still crashes around 30 minutes.


    I went back to try and play FSX since I love some of the payware addons, but the scenery is so empty and fake in comparison. Frustrating right now, and I've started playing other games in retaliation.


    This was a sentimental journey for me, because I'd ski-bummed at Big Bear during the winter of 1973-74, working for minimum wage in the ski-rental shop at the Big Bear's "premier" ski area, Snow Summit (and skiing on days off). I could see the ski area's familiar runs out of the Cessna's right-hand window as I entered the downwind leg of the landing pattern at Big Bear City. I give high marks to Asobo for their accurate representation of Snow Summit. I was hoping to see snow on the ski runs, but they were bone dry in the sim when I flew in, despite "live weather"--and this, despite the ski area reporting a 46-inch base today. Actually that's not surprising. Big Bear is only two hours from Southern California's beaches. Daytime temps there are hitting 50 degrees and higher now. And Snow Summit often makes it through the mild SoCal winters by blanketing its runs with machine-made snow. Machine snow not being part of the weather forecast, I wouldn't expect the sim to show it.



    I grew up in the IE, and I remember Big Bear being an interesting place. I've enjoyed doing a couple short flights into that airport just because the scenery is very interesting.

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