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Posts posted by RThorndyke

  1. needed to have your anti-virus protection turned off.


    Just something to think about! ;)


    That's just great advice MrZ. One of the first things I did was to go check McAfee. Sandbox and all. It's pretty good about warning that it's up to something and for sure logging what it did. Nothing there. So that doesn't seem to be the issue. Like I said I'm sure it's something dirt simple. The seller just isn't there. I'd hope that FlightSim would take note as they shouldn't be selling that which doesn't work or at least that which there ain't no support.


    The last thing I wanted to do was to come here complaining... (Gave Perfect Flight their chance with at least 4 support requests.) That in itself ought to get some action...but it hasn't....so let it be a warning. Steer clear of good old Perfect Flight.

  2. Was there an auto-installer !


    I auto installed it. If the thing installed the instruments to the FSX folder..I wouldn't know what to look for. Except...all the dates match in there. Nothing new.


    There is a "panels" folder with the blank insets I was talking about earlier....but nothing marked gauges, instruments...none of that stuff like that is in the default folder.


    But in the PF folder, definitely no instruments. Everything else, seems like...but no instruments. And re-installing would be foolish. It just ain't there. I see a couple of .mdl files in the g1000 folder, whatever that is... At any rate, when the plane loads the instruments are missing.


    Which ought not to be the case if there is any common sense left. I was hoping, that instead of me having all these theories...that the seller would just send me the rest of it that is missing so I could stuff it into the folder, or tell me what to get it working if its there somewhere. But they seem to have moved on.

  3. Can you explain further where you said the instrument package failed to install.


    Hi... The dashboard installed...It's all black with insets for the instruments. But the instruments are missing. None. Zip. Just blank left side to right side. I looked around in the Perfect Flight files...found the panel inset graphics, but nothing with gauges. Of course, I'm not sure of what exactly I'm looking for. (Or what to do about it if I did find anything marked gauges.)


    The PF Baron comes in two versions...one which uses the standard instrument panel and what they call the 1000 which has their version...so the advertising says. The standard works with FSX instruments....the other is just el blanko.


    So happens the package comes with several other goodies which makes the thing a good deal....if everything works...which it doesn't. Other than the missing avionics, which is why I got it in the first place it's coolio. Can't say I'd recommend it now though since Imperfect Flight obviously folded up their tent and poofed on me.

  4. Rarely, I purchase a product for my beloved FSX so I am by no means big time experienced at these things. I admit that. Well, over the Christmas holidays I grabbed the Perfect Flight - Private Flights Beech Baron 58 For FSX & P3D.. The instrument package failed to install so I basically ended up with a Baron plane with a new paint job.



    Dutifully I went to Product Support ( https://www.fs2000.org/product-suppo...efa9fd4ee11292 ) and gave the details. Considering that it was a holiday I expected a lag in a reply. Over days I sent 3 more requests, none of them nasty. Well, the holidays are over and I'm starting to think I made a mistake doing biz with said company.


    I have a belief that the fix is probably pretty simple...but I'm just guessing bekez all I'm drawing is blanks from "support." Seems like my support requests have all flown to Pluto. All I have left is to come here to complain and warn that you're evidently on your own if your purchase from this company turns into a boat anchor.


    I'd be happy to delete this comment if they'd get it in gear and help me per-fect my purchase.

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