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Posts posted by sirbruchie

  1. There is a youtube video by ObsidianAnt that describes caching. There is a way to "cache" certain areas and you can select the level of detail. This will permanently download those areas to your system and reduce the "constant" stream. He claims it looks and perhaps performs better doing this. I suspect they may have done this for the videos and it sorta makes sense that performance might improve as that is on less thing the PC is doing. Not that you want to do this for large areas...but if you are going to frequent your "home town" where you will recognize all of the landmarks it might be a good idea.
  2. When you say it looks "terrible" can you be more specific? Missing building trees, fuzzy textures, etc.? The sim will default to "offline" if it detects and issue with the internet connection. Do you happen to know the speed of your connection? Another thing to keep in mind is that if the "airport" is not a detailed one from the list it will appear more "generic" with fewer building and details and be more of a general representation.
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