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Posts posted by jcwillimas

  1. It's tough on freeware developers and payware developers alike, but with around 250 UK free-ware scenery addons that i know about (thanks guys for all the efforts!) it's hard to see how a general update won't step on some people's toes. The sad thing is it will probably make freeware developers hold off until after the January update. The main thing I hope for from Asobo / M'soft is the broad base stuff than individuals can't do - like improving the scenery mesh. I'm not sure if they plan to improve the ai place buildings too?
  2. I read somewhere that by not loading certain scenery etcetera, during startup, startup happens much faster.

    Is that true?


    Certainly having an empty Community folder makes a big difference - I have around 100 mod folders and if they are present loading to the "press any key" screen (before the current update) took around 15 minutes but with an empty community folder, 1 minute 10 secs. I hope that Asobo can do something to make this less of a problem otheriwse the add-on community is going to feel hamstrung.

  3. I quite like the Live Pause feature - in other games where other players are live its a pain to not be able to pop away from the keyboard for a while without dire results. However, one thing that folk need to know about this feature is; it ONLY pauses your position. Fuel consumption continues. Popped away from a flight to have breakfast and came back to unpause and found myself plummeting to earfth with nothing in the tank. Teach me to check the dip stick before taking off!
  4. Can anyone tell me what the ATC is like now in this new Sim compared to FS2004 and FSX? Is it still mundane, or is there real holding patterns, SID and STARS and all the rest? LOL That's what I was really hoping for. Though, if it's not there now, perhaps a future update will bring the capability.


    On first look it seems pretty much the same as FSX to me except that on my first IFR flight I lost the sound of ATC on a few messages (they were still in the text window). The flight planner has SIDs and STARs built in.

  5. I was given a bozo name and image for my x-box profile and have yet to figure out how to get rid of it for something more appropriate for someone over ten.


    Someone mentioned getting rid of the funeral music. Where and how?



    You can ditch the music in Options - General - Sounds. There isn't as choice to turn it off ( although there are two alternatives) but at the bottom of the page you can set the volume to zero.


    On the dumb x-box live names I was something like BlazingOrc2736 but you can go into to https://account.xbox.com/Profile and change your gamer name and profile picture.

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