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Posts posted by betelgeuse

  1. I'm fairly sure this subject is covered in the FAQ's, but briefly … install FS9 "as usual", in the required location, including any updates and patches and check it all works!


    Therein lies the problem. FS2004 will not install 'as usual' from the CDs. It gets a certain way then it aborts with this error message: 'MS Flight SImulator 2004 cannot create the directory G:\FS2004\aircraft\b737_400\texture.x'


    I am trying to do a clean install of FS2004 on a new HDD in W10 x64. Not sure where to go from here. The patches are all on the cloned disk.

    EDIT: I see now. Must be C: I'm short of space on that SSD boot but enough for the basic install. Addon stuff elsewhere.

  2. I cloned FS2004 (W7) as a back up.


    I would now like to install FS2004 in W10 x64 in a newer PC on a dedicated HDD. Can I use the clone directly?


    How best to proceed? I would like to utilise many of the addons on the clone.



  3. I have ran a W7 PC for ages in fact I still have it on one of my laptops with no issues, I preferred it running FS than W10 so why change unless you have to?




    I fly online some of the time. Absence of security updates in W7 scares me. I don't want gremlins in my network.

  4. I am still running FS2004 in W7 and flying Milton Shupe's planes very happily. But, lack of Microsoft support for W7 is beginning to worry me.


    Does anyone know if his aircraft are compatible with W10? Now that W11 is on the horizon, maybe it's time to move up a gear.



  5. I've been running a three monitor set up for years in FS9, FSX and X-plane. In the future, I anticipate using FSX and X-plane, and perhaps the new MS sim.


    I gave up on using the triple monitors for an extended screen view because of the ghastly stretch at each end. So, in recent years I have used the 2nd and 3rd monitors for undocked bits of panels, and Navigation programs like Little Nav Map (LNM) run on a network.


    My problem now is that the middle screen (they are all 24 inch identical types, aged about 8 years) has failed.


    I am looking for advice on what to do next as I think I have four options:


    1. Replace the 24 inch monitor with another similar if I can find one. Problem with this is that both the aging 2nd and 3rd monitors could fail at any moment.


    2. Buy a curved screen for a full panoramic view - hopefully without distortion anywhere. I do not know anything about curved screens.


    3. Buy three new 27 inch screens and continue as before. This would be the easiest option.


    4. Move to Oculus Rift or similar. I do not know if these can be used alongside standard monitors showing moving map programs like LNM. I have read about motion sickness, poor resolution, and low frame rates with Oculus Rift.


    I'd be grateful for advice.

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