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Status Updates posted by opaplano

  1. Hi Chuck -


    I saw your recent post at Avsim regarding the automatic opening of any cfg file into Notepad by right clicking on it twice.


    I am not sure that is correct. As I remember, the cfg extension is not set to Notepad by default - you must "associate" the cfg extension with notepad first.


    I did and of course it opens all my cfg files automatically and has for years.


    I just don't remember it being associated that way by default.



  2. Hi Bill -


    Just need to know if you are the same person -


    I see two names on files at Avsim - Bill Leaming and Fr. Bill Leaming


    Depending upon your answer, I will reply with a request regarding re-uploading a couple of your files which show on their lists, but are "not available" as they did not survive the hack back in May.


    Just wanted to be sure before outlining the request.


    David "Opa" Marshall

  3. Hope I have reached Bill leaming (not sure how you spell your last name).


    If so, I hope you might add your comments to the following thread:




    There seems to be some confusion as to what UAC actually does in Vista - if it protects against outside intrusions such as viruses or is simply a built in protect against the user making stupid mistakes.


    I run XP but am interested to know the "real truth" about what it does and also if (as I believe I have been told) you can set permissions on individual folders and theri subfolders.


    I thought you might know the proper answers - could not find anything definitive in some Internet searches on the subject.


    Thanks in advance.


    David "Opa" Marshall



  4. Hi -


    I have never used the "Map" option but do make extensive use of the "settings" and "explorer" options.


    Often when I invoke the TT it minimizes itself to my tray at the bottom of the screen. A click or two on it in the tray will almost always bring it back up where it should be.


    A nusiance for sure but I have become used to it and have never found a way to make it come up on top all the time - sometimes it does, most often it does as I described.


    Otherwise it is the best thing since sliced bread for me.

  5. When I use the TT program it often minimizes itself to my taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on it down there (sometimes it takes a couple of tries) brings it back up.


    I never use the Map function but do use the settings and explorer options all the time.


    Sorry for the slow response but I did not see your message until today. A regular e-mail to opaflightsimaddict at verizon dot net is a more efficient way to communicate.

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