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Posts posted by tacomasailor

  1. On 3/28/2023 at 11:26 AM, grimsel said:

    I found this in the MSFS forum covering the problem:


    "Hello everyone,

    In talking with Asobo, they have informed us that this message is triggered when memory consumption is too high for your particular system. Before, you would just get a CTD or freeze with no error message. Suggested solutions if you are regularly getting this message are one or more of the following:

    • Reduce graphical quality settings (e.g. from High to Medium)
    • Reduce LOD sliders
    • Remove addons that could be causing this error

    We agree that the message is a bit vague and unclear. We have submitted feedback to the devs to change the text of this error message so it better describes the cause.

    MSFS Team"


    If this is the reason, it does not necessarily matter which driver version you are using or how often you re-install something.


    Can you monitor your RAM / VRAM consumption?


    I first had this strange error in October - November 2022.  I tried dozens of recommended fixes.  The one thing I know for sure is that memory usage was not an issue - each time the crash occurred - 10 to 12 GB of 32 GB memory was in use.  The temperatures in both the RTX 3060 Ti (8GB) and i7-9700K (@ 4.7 GHz) were always low normal.  The VRAM usage always remains the same. 


    I ran MSFS with an empty Community folder.   I tried all kinds of drivers. I tried dozens of different configurations for the graphics options. 


    I ran three different GPS stress tests for hours at a time with overclocking, underclocking, raised and lowered voltage and never saw the error in any other stress test or other GPU intense application.


    The problem was intermittent for weeks, sometimes happening in five MSFS loads in a row and then only once in 10.  This problem lasted for weeks and then SUDDENLY stopped occurring in late December 2022.  I had just accepted the problem and gave up trying to fix it.  


    I have had NO occurrences of this graphics error in 2023.  I have MSFS loaded and running about three hours a day, five days a week.

  2. Had the identical problem, It also occurred with some other GA planes.


    It turned out that one of the updates changed some of my key mapping. I was using the arrows and 4, 8, 6, 2 numeric keys for changing views. Once I remapped those keys to views, again, I have not had the problem thru many dozen flights.


    Check your key mappings to see if any of the view direction keys you expect are actually primary flight control keys.

  3. You can create a complete flight plan from scratch, see section 5-8 of the WT CJ4 manual.


    Maybe I am thinking too much like a C-172 VFR pilot


    All I want to do is enter a single waypoint and go direct to it - is that possible with NO flight plan loaded into FMS?


    I'm pretty good with the CJ4 FMS and other Avionics but the Direct To with no flight plan has me stumped. Maybe that is not something that is done in real life?


    I sold all my GameStop stock at a huge profit and just purchased a used Cj4. I want to go for a sight seeing trip to show off San Diego county to my guests. No flight plan - just get up there and tootle about?


    Not something that is done?

  4. If you're using the Working Title CJ4 mod (https://github.com/Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages/releases/tag/cj4-v0.10.2) they've created a manual online which explains everything: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qzxPMTSQRkvau8QOi7xUqNvjx9rbww_qHlso5AT5OnI/edit. The manual can be downloaded in the document format of your choice and printed out if you wish.

    In the FMS/Direct To section:

    Click the DIR button.

    Click the key next to your chosen waypoint.

    Click the EXEC button.


    I have read the WT manual(s) for the CJ4 - BUT how do I get the waypoint into the FMS if I have not already loaded a flight plan?


    I know how to add a waypoint to a leg but if I don't have a leg (no flight plan entered) HOW do I create a new waypoint?


    I am sure there is a simple answer but it escapes me despite 30+ years operating GPS navigation equipment and 60-years on state of the art computer equipment.


    What obvious detail have I missed?

  5. Apparently, I have not read those reviews. I have personal and practical experience with the RTX 2080 and it works beautifully with my setup. The new MSFS 2020 also looks fantastic with my headset. I have NO Problems with my computer running MSFS 2020. Perhaps, you are being misled? My GeForce GTX 2080 Video Card Has 8Gb of memory, so no, you don't need 10Gb.


    Thanks for the good information - I plan to upgrade to a RTX 3060 when they become available and then an I7-9700K and another 16 GB of memory. It sounds like that system would drive a VR system nicely.


    I can easily afford a 3070 but it sounds like that would just be overkill.

  6. Likewise, I have the B36 Bonanza mod and the G1000 mod in my Community folder and both work just fine, but neither appear in the content.xml file. Not going to mess with things since they're working!


    Could I get some clarification on the above comment?


    I too have MANY mods in the COMMUNITY folder which DO NOT appear in the contents list but do seem to work perfectly. For example - Robert Young G36 Bonanza and G1000/G3000 working title. I am 100% certain those mods work correctly and 100% certain they are not listed in contents.


    And... many of the mods I see in the content list DO HAVE capital letters in the folder names as they appear in the COMMUNITY folder but are ALL lower case in the contents list


    Thus - I am confused!

  7. Are your waypoints GPS or VOR? You need to have the CDI set to the correct input (GPS, NAV1 or NAV2) depending on the waypoint. If your cross-track error is very large or the angle between your current heading (when in AP/HDG) and the correct heading to a GPS waypoint is large - the AP will fly a almost a right angle to the GPS heading in order to intersect in in a minimum time. It will then slowly turn onto the proper GPS heading, once it crosses that heading. Your question does not offer enough detail to answer it completely. I fly the C 172/G1000 many hours a day and have no problem with any of the enroute AP settings. But, you need to read the G1000 user manual to really understand how it works. I have been using very sophisticated GPS/Autopilots on big boats for decades and find the G1000 does not work as I expect but does work as described in the manual.
  8. I have the same setup and they work perfectly. I did have the same problem you describe but it was a very easy, but not so obvious fix.


    The Aileron Axis should be set to Joystick L - Axis X

    The Rudder Axis should be set to Joystick L - Axis Y


    Do NO use the Aileron Left (Roll Left) or Right


    Another important feature of setting up all your controls is that the SAME button/function (e.g. the POV Hat switch) and can be assigned to multiple camera functions (e.g. look left in Cockpit and External) - you get a warning message but if you ignore it everything works fine

  9. Some of us have had no problems of any kind and are very happy!


    Update required less than 5-minutes and made no change of any kind to my Sim, which was and still is working just as I wish.


    The initial 91 GB install took 55-minutes to download and less than 10-minutes to unpack and install. I was flying the Cessna 152 around Eastern San Diego county in fewer than 90-minutes from the time I began the initial small download.


    I'm getting 40 FPS flying the Textron/Cessna 152 around the San Diego or Puget Sound country side. I see 35 FPS flying into and out of KTIW or KORS with the ORBX payware upgrade. I see 30 FPS flying around downtown Seattle at 2000' in the 152. All this with mostly ULTRA settings and the two sliders set to 120. But, NO AI traffic and only 25% - 30% surface traffic.


    Navigraph runs perfectly on a 2nd monitor and on an iPad. My 12-year old CH Flight Yoke and Pedals work perfectly as does my really old Saitek ST290Pro stick.


    I can find nothing to complain about!

  10. My processor is a bit slower than yours and has fewer cores than yours. I have a GTX 1650.


    Flying the Textron 152 around downtown Seattle at 2000' and 105 knots I see a steady 32 - 34 fps. Flying the DA 40 with a glass cockpit I see 24 or so fps. The cockpit environment makes a huge difference and that is why I fly my little old steam gauge planes.


    1920x1080 with everything set to High or Ultra. Most of the terrain, building, trees, bushes are Ultra. 4x4 AA and TLAA - the two resolution sliders are set to 120. NO AI traffic and road/water traffic is at 30% and airport traffic is 20%


    When I get the Savage Cub up to 9,000' and fly around Mt Rainer I see 40 - 44 fps.


    Flying the C 152 around downtown San Diego at 1,500' I see 21 - 23 fps.


    Your local environment makes a huge difference!

  11. Started the sim with my 152 at OG20 (the nice ORBX free GA airport in Fairfield, OR). Problem was I selected North Parking Ramp as the aircraft position in the World Map.


    Turns out that is a small asphalt ramp in between two hangers and the plane's nose was up against the fence.


    How do I back the plane out?


    In FSX I would just SLEW it to the taxiway but it appears there is no Slew available.


    I tried CTRL numeric 2,6,8,4 which did move the place in great huge jumps and I finally ended up on a residential street about 1/4 mile from the airport.


    What am I missing?

  12. I see nothing in Market Place nor in Content Manager about updates. I have a Steam download version and I did get the message "checking for updates" when I started but nothing downloaded as far as I can tell


    Just now Aug 26 16:15 EDT


    Just restarted Flight Sim and went into Content Manager and see that CORE CONTENT does have an update and I need to "RELAUNCH THE GAME TO UPDATE"


    I guess that means quit to the desktop and try again - so here goes


    16:23 EDT - Quit to Desktop and Restarted the Sim and saw the message "checking for updates". My resource monitor showed very little network data moving during or after the checking for updates


    I still see the RELAUNCH message for CORE CONTENT

  13. I'm trying to get my Saitek ST290 Pro to work. The sim identifies it fine, and when I select it as the main controller, it even gives me a list of the buttons, POV, etc, so that I can choose what each of them does.

    The problem I have is that I have no idea which button is which, and there is absolutely nothing that I can find to tell me which one is which.

    On the problem of no response, have you made sure that you have up to date drivers AND SOFTWARE installed, especially for the older sticks. That's what I'm in the process of doing, on the premise that the Saitek software actually maps the location of each button for me, at least.


    My ST290Pro has a very small number printed in gray on each button - they are easy to miss.


    You can download Saitek software (Profile Editor) that allows you to click each button and move each axis and it will display a label on the screen


    I had a little trouble getting my ST290Pro to be recognized by the sim - had to unplug both the CH Yoke and Pedals. I then used the sims controls to assign axis and function to each stick button/axis. I then left the sim, turned off the computer, plugged the pedals back in, started the computer and sim and the sim now recognizes pedals and ST290.

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