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Posts posted by Mac6737

  1. Away for a month.  Came back and did the update.  Problem:  I'm grounded!  I tried to take off in a couple of different aircraft, but the engine revs up and then dies, long before rotation speed.  Checked my joystick settings, and throttle is completely responsive to the slider.  (No, reverse slider is not enabled.)  

    Then I tried the keyboard.  F3 had ZERO effect.  

    Then I tried to retract the flaps with the assigned joystick buttons.  Nothing doing.  Tried F5, which should retract them -- no effect whatsoever.

    I've been with FS for 30 years, never had one this stumping.  Do I have to reinstall?


    Please help!  I need to get to the Maldives, where I am headed IRL soon. 

  2. On 7/10/2023 at 1:55 PM, Nels_Anderson said:

    Forcing people to give info is generally a good idea, but harder to implement than you might think.


    My comparison is eBay. In another life, I'm an eBay Power Seller, with thousands of sales on that site. So I'm pretty experienced with their forms. But yesterday the form for entering an item for auction stumped me. It would not let me proceed until I entered a UPC for the item...even though it was an antique from before the time that UPC codes existed. I tried things like "none", a number on the product that wasn't a UPC, etc. but nothing worked. Asking around, I found the magic word was "N/A"; entered that and was allowed to continue. Even companies with the resources of eBay create lousy forms.


    As for personal info, I disagree that it should be optional, but it also should not be public. It would only be for the use of the site operator in case the uploader needed to be contacted. This actually shouldn't be an issue if the uploader is logged in, as contact information is part of their account so would not need to be entered again.

    Just came across this thread and post serendipitously.  This post illustrates a perfect example of what I have been calling "computer morons."  These are the juvenile Cheeto-munching jackasses who are somehow hired to program stuff; they NEVER consider what their handiwork looks like from the other side of the interface.  Nels is asked for a UPC code that could not possibly exist, and so he does a logical thing: enters "none."  So he asked around, etc., and finally came across a response that worked.  A total and unnecessary waste of his time. 


    I find this problem again and again and again, certainly not limited to FS stuff.

    • Like 1
  3. Since MSFS came out in August 2020, when in Cockpit View, I had been able to look to my left by pushing the POV hat on my Logitech joystick to the left; similarly, to the right; same thing when in External View.  After the last update, these are reversed.  Now, to look left, I have to push the POV hat to the right; and, of course, vice versa.


    I have spent some time muddling through the Options pages, but can locate no way to reassign viewpoints to the POV hat.  What's the trick?

  4. I moved everything out of Community and I was back to my usual 30 FPS.  Now I'm adding them back, bunch by bunch.


    But one thing missing: Washington DC KDCA and the central government add-on.  Used to be there.  Now I can't find it, can't find an add-on.


    Before my 6-month hiatus from MSFS, there was a terrific website for add-ons, including most of those I still have and it's where I got my excellent DC scenery..  Can anyone remind me of that site?  (It is not Fly Away).


    Thanks all

  5. For some time I have had consistently smooth flying and high FPS (which I generally limit at 30-40 in my nVidia control panel, because I don't think you can see the difference above that).  But after an absence of several weeks, I booted up recently and found my FPS down in the teens at airports and only in the 20s when way up in the air.  I tried several less-demanding planes and airports, but the result was the same: pronounced stalls and stutters and dismal FPS all the time.  Any ideas?  

  6. 3 hours ago, davidc2 said:

    I would check to see if your ingame/insim settings have been changed.  Also, anything in the Community folder?  Have you done a reboot?

    I've been at this since 1993.  Even so, you may be an adept, but I am not.  "ingame/insim settings" is utterly meaningless to me. 

    In any case, everything was OK before the update.  And of course I have many things in Community, but I had no problems before the update. And of course I've done a reboot.  Several. 

  7. This revision is an abomination.  I was told to log in with my email address, and not the user name I've used for years and years.  I did that, but used the password associated with my user name.  I'm not even sure I am logged in.  I guess I'll know if this post appears in the forum.

    I have enjoyed flightsim.com for years.  It was easy to search for topics, go to the store, etc., and see what's cooking in the forums.  No more.  Everything was OK.  As someone else said here, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  

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  8. As for (3) I never use the sim Pause, causes too much bother. If I need to stop for more than a few seconds I just hit ESC then Resume when I'm ready. Only thing that it maybe affects is the AI Traffic addons but as far as I can see they quickly adapt.


    Right. So do I. That STILL does not stop the clock!


    I admit this is not as big a deal as (1) and (2), because you can always pull down the flight conditions menu and slide the time of day back to where it was. Unless, of course, you're in a saved flight.

  9. . . . they have failed to fix what are, to me at least, three incredibly annoying defects of MSFS:


    (1) When I save a flight, the navigation settings are lost. So if you were bound for an airport or waypoint, the sim doesn't know that when you load the saved flight; you have to reenter the destination. And good luck with that if you were following a flight plan with numerous waypoints!


    (2) Also, you can't change the flight conditions in a saved flight: like weather or time of day, as you can in a non-saved flight. Why not?


    (3) When you pause a flight, everything stops where it is -- except the time!


    How hard could it be?

  10. As stated in a previous post, I've been away from FS for months, and was just back for 2 days, when they pulled the damn mandatory update thing on me. OK, but it deleted all my saved joystick assignments. For many years (in MSFS, FSX and P3D) these had become second nature to me. Now I'm lost.


    Yes, I know how to map functions to the joystick in Options. But this is infuriating: I can no longer toggle between Cockpit and External views with joystick buttons -- or anything else, for that matter. I used to switch views effortlessly with the 4 and 6 buttons on my Logitech joystick. Now, I can't even locate a function in the menu that moves the viewpoint to External view. So I consulted the FlyAway MSFS Commands sheet, and can't even find a key assignment to OPEN THE DAMN EXTERNAL CAMERA! The only way I can get to the External view is with the pulldown menu, which is absurdly cumbersome.


    So, leaving aside other issues: HOW DO YOU SWITCH TO EXTERNAL VIEW? Is there an assigned key by default? And in Options, where is the function for switching views?


    Thanks all.

  11. I've been away from FS for about 5 months, and now discover I've forgotten a lot of keyboard commands that used to be second nature.


    But I'm pretty sure I used to be able to pause by hitting ESC, and then ALT + Enter to enter Windows Mode. Then I could minimize FS and do other stuff on my computer. But now when I hit ALT + Enter, it displays my tool bar at the bottom of the screen, but no icons up top to minimize or resize.


    Could this be due to some update in the past months? (When I opened the sim today, I got a prompt to update, and did so.) Or have I forgotten something?


    Thanks all.

  12. . . . in which they can mess up a routine update.


    Installed WU X (USA) and took off from my home KDCA. The DC Mall was completely messed up, a geometric pattern instead of the grass, and the Kennedy Center was missing entirely. So shut down, went to my Community Folder, and removed the freeware Washington Landmarks from Drizewswicki designs. I thought there might be a conflict.


    Reopened, and went back to KDCA and took off. Same thing! The add-on apparently had nothing to do with it.


    Any suggestions? Seems to me the update screwed up what was there before.

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