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Posts posted by beb1958

  1. I think it is a programming glitch. The sim thinks that you must start at the beginning waypoint of the leg you are on of your flight plan regardless from where you are at relative to the next waypoint. I have had success in canceling and then reapplying the flight plan without having to return to the leg's starting waypoint, but that is a PITA. If you time it just right flying over a waypoint and the activating the AP it seems to do fine. Not the way it is suppose to work..but it is a work around...hope this helps
  2. Can you describe all the controllers you use. I think some controllers may have been mapped in the updates that were not before. If you now have several devices that you had mapped, they may now be in conflict??


    ok...here is an update...first, I would like to thank the Plainsman for his knowledge. I looked in controller area and MSFS picked up a bluetooth Logitech 710 wireless game controller that I use for other games. Couldn't find a way to delete it, so I unplugged the bluetooth dongle for it. Set up a flight from Tampa to Anchorage with unlimited fuel at 31000 feet VFR on Autopilot GPS. Figured it would CTD within an hour.... Set throttle so ETA would be about 12 hours. Landed this morning on runway 25L at PANC with a total time of 12hrs 15min. Seems Plainsman was correct again...thank you.

  3. No, I have never gone in the developer mode. I just basically fly the TBM930 around Florida and Georgia. Tried the scenic flight, but it CTD over New Jersey....Usually just fly vfr and with gpa autopilot, landings varied between RNAV and ILS....Last ILS into St Augustine had me perfectly lined up on the taxi way...maybe a Harrison Ford simulator...lol
  4. Well, I guess I am going to the side of disheartened. Last three updates have resulted in 6 different incomplete flights in a row resulting in crash to desktop, with the latest one only 13 minutes in a tbm930 vfr flight from tampa to atlanta during climb. I am running with no mods and nothing in the community folder. I always reboot the computer after an update. It is to bad because the sim is really nice, when you can land somewhere. Hopefully they will get their act together soon.

    Oh, just for reference, I have completed over 50 similar flights before the updates...so it isn't my computer...

  5. I purchased the Premium for a couple of reasons... One, I know that from reviewing the MSFS 2020 that it is really not just an upgrade from previous sims, but a whole new sim. Two...I like having it all. Yes, the has been some anomalies and CTD, but the reality it is an entertainment sim. I will put up with the glitches and "opps" as long as the publishers keep working on improving it and correcting the deficiencies and errors. All in all...I like it. This is my opinion, yours may differ and that is ok. After all, any landing you walk away from is a good one :)
  6. I have found on approaching a destination airport on autopilot, both in ILS and RNAV approaches, either on NAV mode or Approach mode, the aircraft does not follow the path on the MFD exactly. Once, on a approach, I just let the autopilot do it's thing and it will correct to the proper course and proper approach.

    I would suggest you might give it a try....could eliminate some frustration with the sim.

  7. for additional information

    Went through a "reset to default" in every setting in general and options..

    closed the program

    rebooted computer

    did a "fly again" on the same flight

    everything seemed normal in flight

    rnav approach and glide worked fine

    comms on assist, pilot requested landing clearance at 3 miles, and the plane was out 3 miles.

    landed, taxied and parked as instructed by ground..

    received credit for landing on logbook

  8. Flying TBM930 from KLEE to KTPA on Rnav RWY19r approach


    Comms on AI Assist


    Plane is on final, on glide scope


    about to cross threshold and pilot announces 2 miles out requesting clearance to land


    ATC gives permission just as aircraft is wheels down


    ATC then states did not have permission to land and to exit runway.


    Also had no winds set in weather, but plane did not fly wings level but canted to the left at 30 degrees.


    shut everything down, rebooted computer....no difference.


    Have deluxe PC edition...


    Is there a way to fix this anomaly?

  9. I have watched tutorial videos for different type of approaches on different streaming sites.


    Almost all of them, at one point, the pilot places the approach chart for the destination airport on the screen without losing the cockpit or any of the functions.


    I have not been able to discover the method for achieving placing a approach chart on the screen while flying.


    If anybody could explain how to do that, I would be greatly appreciative.


    Thank you in Advance:pilot:

  10. scope/slope..ok..got it...

    So going into the sim, it would seem none of the approach flight plans work. I tried both ILS and Rnav.

    Once I load an approach, the flight path on the center screen disappears and the plane flies directly to the destination airport. No waypoint markers indicated. No activation of glide slope...

    Also it would seem that the ATC thinks the aircraft is somewhere else. It cleared me for a landing at an airport that I was 20nm away from. I am flying the TBM 930. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

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