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Posts posted by alexzar14

  1. Even in FSX default scenery (prior to third runway construction completion) there is water there.




    lol that's funny. Bizzare things happen.


    Ok so I applied the patches and all is alright, the only problem (although part of scenery design) is the photoreal textures 1/2 mile before the runway, St. Louis scenery suffered even more of these are all around the airport. These are textures with "flat" (photoed) buildings with no autogen buildings but few trees right on top of "photoed" buildings, aggh!! Photoreal: photo - yes, real - no. Lucky KSEA got only a small area of these textures. As for the runway lights both KMCO & KSEA, no luck still (no lighting problem in KSTL).

    But the flight was great, gotta repeat it this time with Captainsim 737, combine the two experiences so to say - practice the analogue tech plus enjoy KSEA once more.


  2. There is actually a fix released by Taxi2Gate for the black lights at KMCO. Also, there are 3 patches currently for KSEA for FSX and P3D. 1 patch is for those who own ORBX PNW scenery. 1 is for sinking wheels on Jetways and 1 for Flickering ground textures. Make sure you have all appropriate patches installed. :)




    Good Luck. :)


    Thanks! Almost missed your post, just in time because I was about going to fly.

  3. ok one guy posted a solution on their forum. Now it is good although with a minor error still (that elevation change near the front of the pool and and parking lot) but that's ok compared to what it was. The highway is in the right place tunneling cross the runway 34R, beauteeful. By the way Pv since you're from the area, what is that pool about? Is that something they made on purpose for chillers/cooling towers use or what is it?



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