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Posts posted by skyflyerblue

  1. Hi all, and apologies if this has been covered previously. I am attempting to build as near a replica as possible of the DC3 throttle assy, but cannot find anywhere any info as to the width, height, length of levers etc., of said quadrant. (I have many photos of cockpits-the internet has many, but do not help much in this regard). I do not live near enough to any air museum where one of these DC3's may be housed, let alone being able to wander around measuring things. (I am in Australia, near Sydney). So, I would appreciate very much if anyone has any info, or is able to do these measurements for me (I know I am not the only one looking for this info) and would be most happy to share everything I do etc.


    As they say in the flying world - clear skies, happy landings, and a very happy new year!

  2. Hi all, in respect to keeping FSX interesting, I recently discovered and installed a program called ORBX - I am in Australia, so installed the full Aus package including AI aircraft. Brilliant! Scenery spot on and life-like, and they have many, many other locations, cities, airports etc. As far as I can see, FS2020 will probably never grace my PC (can't afford the time or the cash to upgrade) and I have spent too long (in years) getting FSX to actually work (with interfacing problems, cards that don't respond correctly etc., etc,) to a reasonable standard. So, enjoy what you have and be happy!! Clear skies.
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