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Posts posted by stubby2

  1. I am not familiar with that product. What is the advantage of a docking station vs a powered usb 3.0 external drive. I went to the web site and it indicated the docking station is top loading. How do I mount the drive ? What hardware would I need ? Also, could my computer have limitations which would prevent me from taking full advantage of the docking station ?


    Thanks for the info. I need to investigate further.

  2. I recently purchased a Western Digital Mybook usb 3.0 external HDD. I noticed when I ran X Plane 11 that I was getting a lot of lag and jitter. When I looked at the frame rates they were bouncing all over. I turned graphics settings down and enabled Vsync, but that did not help. X plane was running fine on my C drive so I moved it back so now everything runs fine as before.


    I also fly DCS and have not had a problem running it off the external drive. Both games are steam versions.


    Is it possible to run X Plane off an external drive ? Games now take so much space that I run out of storage too quickly. X plane I think is uniquely demanding in term of resources so the problem may be game specific.


    Has anyone had success running X plane from an external drive ? I would like to be able to do so if possible.


    One thing I should mention. When I ran a file integrity check when I moved X plane to the external drive there were some files that needed to be fixed, however, Steam did not fix the files when I ran the integrity check again.

  3. I am flying the default 737 on X plane 11.35. I do not use atc. I went missed on a landing and followed the procedure to a holding pattern. However I cannot figure out how to re program my original approach which no longer shows on the fmc. This is the default fmc that I use. I have spent hours trying to figure out how to do something that seems pretty simple. No SIDS or STARS being used. Does anyone know how to do this ?
  4. I get a bit confused over the difference and use of go around vs missed approach procedures. For GA the I believe the usual procedure for a go around is to fly the traffic pattern at 1000 - 1500 ft or so depending on the aircraft and airport. However, I'm not sure when to use a go around vs missed approach. I do not normally use ATC. In the case of a jet if I'm on short final and hit a wind gust my first thought is to go around. Most of the time I do instrument landings and I read somewhere that the missed approach procedure is mandatory for an instrument landing. If so is this true for jets and GA ?
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