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Posts posted by outoppie

  1. Hi Francois,

    My apologies for the delay in getting back to you , however I have had eye problems which resulted in surgery so have not been able to fly or use computer. I am now getting back into FS.

    My FSX is the deluxe edition with the Acceleration pack.


    Scrolling in both 2D and VC does not work in either managed or selected modes.

    The pointer(hand) flickers when the scroll wheel is turned, just as if it is sending the signal to do something but the numbers in the window make no effort to move.

    Any advice as to where to look for the answer would be appreciated.



  2. Hi Francois,

    A Happy New Year to you and many thanks for the A318. I have installed it and all is working except I still cannot get the mouse wheel to operate any of the knobs on the A/P and yes I have tried all in selected mode and in mixed mode but no response when I scroll the mouse wheel.

    My mouse wheel works with default aircraft and aerosoft a320 but not with pa320 and a318.


    Can you give me any help as to what I can do please.

    Thank You



  3. Good day All,

    I have been trying for more than a week now to get the FD FMC to show me sids and stars for a flight from EGCC to EGLL. I can get all other info on the fmc.

    I have checked and re checked for a mistake in the installation but cannot find one, other than I did not get a message box when I launched fsx about the dll change.


    In section 5 in the installation manual it says to copy the XMLTools.dll to the fsx root folder.

    If I unzip the XMLTools_v2 I see an XMLTools_v2 folder. If I open this folder I see 9 items including 2 file folders, 3 text docs, 3 adobe documents and an app ex named XMLTools.dll.

    I would appreciate some advice. Must I copy the unzipped folder called XMLTools_v2 or the app ex XMLTools.dll to the fsx root folder?

    I am running FSX on a W7 64 bit system and I have tried to add the C+++redistr files but my system refuses them as it already has newer versions of these.

    I also have the aerosoft a320 on my system which has added lines to my original dll xml file but I would not think this should have affected anything( after I installed the airbus, fsx also did not ask me about changes to the dll)

    Any help with this would be much appreciated



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