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Posts posted by neil0311

  1. This needs to be at Flightsimulator.com, where Asoo i goes. Not here. You wasted your time falling on the many deaf ears of fans of this sim in these forums, and this type of complaint post is best suited over there where. THEY will read it. Post it here all you want but the developer Asobo doesn’t come here and won’t see it.


    This is like sending a fan mail to a hot chick actress, and instead sending it to the address of an 86 year old dude somewhere because you got the wrong address.


    Maybe I misunderstood the OP’s comment. My responses weren’t meant for Asobo nor was I the one trying to make a point to them.


    I think you misunderstood my responses.

  2. Last comment from me on this…if Asobo were simply being pressured and controlled by the totalitarian “marketing department” then why even bother with a beta?


    Who cares if you meet the quality bar? You have to get that software out or else the “marketing department” will be mad!!


    Do we know if they actually slipped release last summer? We don’t. They may have had an initial release for June (for example) and ended up releasing in Aug. Or the opposite could have happened, they may have hit the quality bar early and been ready in Aug, with an original target of the “holiday season” around October or November.

  3. I also don't think (but I've no evidence for this), that Asobo had much say in when the sim would have been released. Most likely, Microsoft had a sword over their head and they had to release the sim according to a tight schedule. So continually delaying until it's polished was unlikely to be an option.


    I would submit that’s not how software development is done. The “marketing department” doesn’t set the release dates or tell the developers when to release. Some of you invent these scenarios that just plain don’t exist.


    They review the features and the architecture and determine when they can release. Then the “marketing department” markets that release. Not the other way around.


    The trade offs come in as they get closer to the milestones they’ve set. They cut or add features based on cost, time, and their relationship to the budget and release milestones. So if Aug 2020 was agreed to, and they’re not ready by a specific milestone, then they either cut features or slip the date…or put more people on the project.


    The old developer’s triangle…you can have it Fast, Correct, or Cheap. You pick two.

  4. ASOBO has been under a lot of heat lately but it occurred to me that almost all of this could have been avoided if some one had reigned in the marketing department and insisted on a little honesty.


    Of course this assumes that the “marketing department” deliberately lied for some unstated reason…and it’s all a big conspiracy.


    It’s a commercial game. Making a profit is the name of the game (as it should be). There are many factors that come into play, and success of Xbox is one of them.


    This version of the sim is very ambitious, and frankly, 2 years ago none of us thought it would ever happen (at least I didn’t). Most were happy with P3D and FSX and the constant tinkering.


    So like anything else, if people think the new version isn’t adhering to some quality standard or some imagined flight sim ethos, then don’t use it. Stick with P3D or FSX and be happy. 🙂

  5. I’m getting “a mandatory update is available - please update via the store” but the store isn’t bringing up the update.

    I’ve tried rebooting...logging out & back in.

    I’ll try again tomorrow





    Flight Simulator may have already been updated when you started the system and already show in the list of recently updated apps with the current version

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