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Posts posted by BJ054

  1. Greetings,


    I've used MSF for years and gradually drifted away from flying after using the Steam version since it's release. I was very excited about the prospect of MSFS and planned a new build for MSFS to get back into the hobby. Unfortunately I live in an area where internet speeds are no better than about 14-15 Mbps. Thus, as I understand I would require about 30 mbps or more to really enjoy or use MSFS.


    I've never used anything other than MSF and was interested in anyone's thoughts about other flight sims out there that would be a noticeable upgrade (scenery, weather, and flight dynamics) compared to MSF that I could use as an alternative to MSFS. Preferably one that is well supported by 3rd parties with lots of add-on content. Example, I've used and enjoyed Air Hauler 2 in the past with MSF.


    Thanks for any thoughts. BJ054

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