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Synthetic ILS

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I have revisited the fantastic Synthetic ILS developed by Karol Chlebowski for both glidepath and glideslope. Bill McLellan has added an automated ILS and automated approach capability starting from about 15 miles from touchdown through landing. An automated takeoff function is also available.
The problem I am having in FSX SE is that with a variety of aircraft and different airports using the automated approach, the aircraft always land short of the runway . During the intercept, there is usually a high rate of descent , sometimes -1800 ft/min which, unless adjusted quickly, will plummet from the skies, After adjusting to -500 ft/min on the autopilot, things settle down but invariably, it will land short. Applying small amounts of throttle will extend the glidepath  but if you are too generous, say a third of the distance down the runway and near touchdown, the aircraft will suddenly swing 180 degrees, trying to intercept the reciprocal ils ( i assume? ) . Anybody got any ideas ???   

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