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Aircraft Traffic BGL - Steam changes it


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In order to get rid of the default aircraft in my AI traffic, I delete the 'aircraft traffic.bgl' in the world scenery folder as advised.  That works for a while but then Steam goes in and updates things back to the way they were, often changing other setting I've input.  I don't need Steam interfering with the way I've got this set up but most of all I don't want their defaults in my AI traffic.  Is there a way to stop this?  Thanks

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It did it again!!  I did as you said and renamed the existing traffic file then I saw a window flash up   'updating Steam' and when I went back to FSX it had restored the default airplanes into the aircraft traffic file!   I was looking for a way to stop Steam updates as it's way too helpful but haven't found it yet.

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Thanks for that info.  I notice it replaced my traffic.bgl file when I check the integrity of the installed files.  It finds this one and changes it so I just change it back.   They won't let you stop updates completely.

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