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Fsx se api.dll crash to desktop.


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That's the thing.  All the planes I have loaded came from the FSX Steam site and there are many from 737-8 to L-1011, various 747's, DC-10's and on and on.  Probably a couple of hundred different ones.  I do notice that when the plane tries to change, there is a flash of a panel of a previous plane that was previously loaded but I'm not sure which one it is.  I think this is just going to be a trial and error thing.  But thanks for your help and input.  I now know to focus on the exception code rather than the  fault module.

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Update! :     Just on a whim (and I don't like doing this)  I changed the setting of my FSX folder to 'shared'.  Strangely enough, I was then able to change aircraft 4 different times to  4 different planes and no crash!   Could it have been that simple?  tomorrow I will take my first test flight in an A330-200 from KBFI - KPMD and we'll see what goes.  So far, things look promising.

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A follow-up to this: I am not sure if this will help with your issue, but on my system(s), I have always had UAC turned off, and have not seen any issues because of that. And my feeling (which may not be correct) is that I have avoided a ton of problems because of that.


If you turn UAC off, you can just do it for the experiment, and it can always be turned back on.



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I was considering this as well.  So far, things are looking up.  My only other issue in Win 11 is now the monitor doesn't shut off at the designated time interval.  That seems to be a known issue  that's carried over from Win 10.  Windows was always a bit quirky but progress has been made on the FSX problem.  Many thanks

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Regarding the API.dll issue I had posted the issue at avsim and got this reply 


an you try creating a simconnect.cfg file in your Documents folder containing the following 3 lines 


Ignore the SDK documentation about this file which is slightly wrong for acceleration and FSX_SE.  Do not add a "Port=" line as it suggests.

That should switch any simconnect users to use IP rather than a named pipe.

Let me know if that reduces or eliminates the problem (or makes absolutely no difference)!

The location in API.dll where your system is crashing is in an callback function that appears to be exclusively used by SimConnect.   I have a theory that the crash occurs if a simconnect user closes the session whilst FSX is trying to send it a message. I know this because I had crashes at the same location and did some investigation on it.   I think that the buffering that TCP/IP uses may make the problem less likely than with named pipes.

Note:  if this does help then ideally we should try and find which simconnect user disconnects during startup and try to switch it to IPv4 rather than switching everyone.  I also don’t know if fsx supports IPv4 for DLLs loaded via dll.xml., it may ignore the setting for these as they part of the same process.


I am stilling doing some testing so won't really know if it has eliminated the issue. I did upgrade my SSD drive from a 256 to a 1TD which was lucky as the original SSD was faulty as I was often getting repair windows blue screen of death. 



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58 minutes ago, Reco01 said:



Regarding the API.dll issue I had posted the issue at avsim and got this reply  


I am stilling doing some testing so won't really know if it has eliminated the issue. I did upgrade my SSD drive from a 256 to a 1TD which was lucky as the original SSD was faulty as I was often getting repair windows blue screen of death. 



Hey thanks.  Let me know how this works.  So I'd just create a document as you outlined and put it where?  Just keep in the documents folder?

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Hi Honus


In fsx se look for the sdk folder and search for the simmconnect.cfg file. Copy it to desk top or somewhere, then open it using notepad delete all the entries and paste these  three lines.




save and place the cfg file in to your file explorer documents folder. As mentioned I haven't had a chance to test it out fully.






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I found the SimConnect.cfg in the Steam folder but it has a lot of other entries in it.  Am I supposed to delete all those and just put these 3 lines?  This is what it looks like right now, before any changes:


; Example SimConnect client configurations





Address=<remote computer address or name here>
Port=<remote computer pipe name (matches Port name given in SimConnect.xml)>

Address=<remote computer address or name here>
Port=<remote computer port number here>

Address=<remote computer address or name here>
Port=<remote computer port number here>


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Just delete all those entries and then copy and paste  these three lines into it




Save and place the file into your documents folder in file explorer 


Remember too make a copy of the  simconnect.cfg file keeping the original where it is




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