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Bravo Throttle Issues

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When using the Bravo Throttle with the FSX Steam platform the power backs off to idle intermitantly and randomly. To restore power to the previous setting I have to move the throttle levers a bit and then the power will increase to its previous setting.


I am at a loss why this is happening just recently..... and this issue does not happen when I am using FS2020.


Any ideas\suggestions would be much appreciated.



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I have had similar issues in both FSX and P3D, and here's what seems to have solved this for me:


1. Since this throttle probably is attached through USB, then if there are any hubs in the path, make sure they all are powered.


2. Go to Device Manager, and under "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" right-click on each hub in turn and select Properties, then go to the Power Management tab and uncheck any boxes in there.



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Thank you Jorgen for your reply. I did try your suggested procedure but that did not solve my issue.


However...... after doing some additional checking in the FS Control Settings I discovered that a Control Axis for the" FS Yoke" had a Control Axis assigned to the Throttle Axis. How that happened I do not know?? but when I canceled that assignment I no longer had the power fluctuations.



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This may not be pertinent but it's on topic.  On occasion I have the same problem in FS9, found it occurred if I moved the on-screen throttle lever after using the hardware throttle.  Moving the hardware throttle through its range then resetting it restored normal operation.

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