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FS9 panning issue


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Several months ago I ran into an issue where I could no longer pan around the cockpit in virtual cockpit view.  I would remap it to the hat switch and nothing would work.  I eventually got panning back by using the function in fsupic but that is jerky and not a great solution.  I have gotten a Track IR 5 in the mean time and would like to use it in the sim.  Is there ant tips/tricks that the community can share about either of these two items?



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I think it has to do with the fact that the hat switch isnt listed as individual buttons(?) just the hat switch with no left right up down subdivisions (I hope I am explaining the right) It used to say something like <Hat left> or something  to that effect and now it just says <Hat switch>.  Of course only one action can be assigned to one button on the joystick.  I have a Thrustmaster T1600M if thats of any help.

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Write down all of your current Assignments, then Reset everything back to Default. Restart the Sim, and 1st thing check the Hat Switch. If you run into the same difficulties then it's not the Sim that's causing it.

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Have you checked the windows game controller to see if all functions are properly recognized there?


FWIW, MS procedure for clearing control issues:

-in Device Manager, uninstall the controller

-if applicable, in Programs and Features uninstall any associated software and/or drivers

-shut down the system (not just windows), unplug the controller and restart

-check that keyboard assignments work in FS

-restart windows

-plug in the controller

-check that it is recognized in game controllers and all functions register

-in FS reassign all functions

(only install the extra software if necessary)



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