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Terrain glitch


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These lines appear anywhere in the world;  always white, always straight or what appears to be right angle viewed obliquely.  They only appear at medium range, disappearing if I'm too close or too far away.  I'm assuming it is the borders of terrain cells, but they were not visible on this system previously;  only major difference is system was upgraded from Vista to Win7.  How to eliminate them?





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I have seen these white lines all the years I have been running FS9. I use Ground Environment Pro, Ultimate Terrain Europe and FS Genesis Mesh. The frame rate is set at 65 (Bob Holland advice). I can reduce the white lines by switching off the internet on my computer before starting up FS9.

Operating system Windows 7 64-bit Pro.

I think the computer (HP Z600) just needs time to update the scenery - I have a GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card and if I fly slow the lines only appear now and again. It's a shame that FS9 cannot use the 8 available processors on the computer. I should have bought a graphics card with more memory.

Happy flying!



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Must be system/OS dependent;  never saw this when system was Vista.  I also use GEPro and UT, have GTX950 2gig vid card.  Mesh could be an issue;  I now recall swapping out the old mesh I had for the area (UK) with a newer one a few months ago, though didn't notice these lines til past few weeks.


I think black lines would be preferable, they wouldn't stand out as much (unless flying in winter ....hopefully seasonal flying is not the cure for white lines).

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Mark - tried your tip - I had unchecked Render to texture a long time ago but not transform and lighting. Unchecked that and had a quick try-out.


There is definitely some improvement in white lines and I could not see any other changes anywhere. So thanks very much for tip.



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11 hours ago, David Solomon said:

Mark - tried your tip - I had unchecked Render to texture a long time ago but not transform and lighting. Unchecked that and had a quick try-out.


There is definitely some improvement in white lines and I could not see any other changes anywhere. So thanks very much for tip.



If there is improvement unchecking in particular transform and lighting, I know from other things I've found with FS2004 that your issue may likely be your modern-ish graphics drivers and/or your modern-ish graphics card.
Reverting to old drivers is likely the fix but as the card is modern, even the oldest drivers that support that card will still likely be too new. You could try older drivers on the off chance they may fix the problem.

Mark Daniels
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Thank you for the advice but I find that the white lines I do see do not bother me - not enough to start looking for drivers. I flew the DC3 around northern France yesterday - after applying your fix - and just had one square of white which almost immediately cleared. Switched to the A319 at 300 knots and no white lines at all.


So well pleased.



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On 7/11/2023 at 4:42 AM, Skywatcher12 said:

No guarantee whatsoever this will work but try unchecking "Render to texture" and "Transform and lighting" in your hardware options.


Both were checked;  unchecked both, no difference; tried one at a time, no difference (though with "render" enabled and "transform" disabled there seemed to be subtle hue and shading differences to the aircraft).  I recall ages ago having to enable "render" because of odd issues with some panels, though no one seemed to know exactly what the option did.


Vid card, and even drivers, are the same as with Vista.  "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

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5 hours ago, jgf said:

Vid card, and even drivers, are the same as with Vista.  "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

Absolutely! The old games now you really need to move forward as little as possible with hardware and software.
I use to get many old games running on newer systems but it's got to the point the amount of work that needs to be done is simply not worth it any longer.
Best to ditch the game or use a period specific computer for the game.

Mark Daniels
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On 7/10/2023 at 8:15 AM, Nels_Anderson said:

I see the same sort of thing in MSFS 2020 too

Now I'm going to have to get my eyes out of the cockpit more to see if also in FSX.

I've never seen these, but that doesn't mean they are not there.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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