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Airbus FBW dont follow FLP route

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When I plan a flight I use MSFS flp routing (in world-map). Starting up Airbus cold and dark pilot ask for IFR clearence (I use partly flight assistance). After switching on battery power, I get IFR clearence from ATC. Then I switch on systems incl A-dirs, and have to wait around 12 minutes until GPS stabilizes and FLP route shows up in NAV-display (upper ECAM-display says IR in align 7 mn?).

When FLP route shows up in NAV-display it show a FLP plan route that is direct from Airport A to first approach FIX at Airport B - no other Airways and Waypoints that should be there shows up. So this FLP route gives me a direct route from Airport A to B - not exactly what my ATC would like. A bug - or is it something I do wrong?

I use an updated version of Airbus FBW develope model, and this happened also on previous version before MSFS update 7.

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I have tried Simbrief, but flightplan has to be loaded into sim, and takes a bit more time to use when I want a quick flight. Just wander if anybody else has experienced this problem with Airbus FBW, and what could course this.


I have similar issues. The Airbus will arbitrarily have removed or added waypoints. Sometimes it adds on all the unwanted waypoints of a STAR that is to be only partially flown. Sometimes it takes an en-route waypoint from where it belongs and puts it AFTER the STAR. I always have to try to hack things back the way they should be.

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Interesting. Trying to get to grips with FBW Airbus but having problems when it comes to the flightplans. I use Simbrief and check it through Navigraph. Simbrief doesn't include SIDS, STARS and approaches (as a RW flightplan of course) so I end up importing Simbrief into the A320 then trying to make amendments from the Navigraph map.

Last couple of flights I've ended up manually flying when the AP refused to fly the f/plan until I got at least to the first waypoint. Then this afternoon it completely threw away the STAR into EDDF and once again a manual flight back onto the ILS (R25R) which the 'bus then flew perfectly down to a beautiful autoland.

Still playing with Navigraph - it would be nice if somehow I could import the f/plan from there.

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