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Binding Three Throttle Axis?

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Hi: How do most of you bind the axis for the three engine planes, i.e., JU-52? Using a Bravo Throttle Quadrant...Can I bind more than one engine on an axis? Really confused and I don't particularly want to reconfigure the throttle quadrant between every different plane...Thanks for the help!

Steve in Kansas

7 Miles NW of KGCK

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Easy. Create a profile for the JU52 and bind the left 3 levers to throttles 1-2-3 and the right three to the respective mixtures. Name the profile "Tante Ju" or whgatever and save it. If you search the web, you can find extra levers to give you correct color coding or just buy a set from Honeycomb. Yes, the old gal really should have her own profile.
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