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Duplicate Packages Installed by Recent Update

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Hi, all!


Thanks to a thread on this forum, I finally found my missing MSFS 2020 program and installed packages!


However, the recent update seems to have duplicated all of the packages originally installed on 2/7 along with the new updates.


This is taking up an additional 96+ GB's of date on my C: drive! Can anyone tell me where everything is supposed to be so I can delete the duplicate packages? Here is what I found:


Original install in Packages folder created 2/7/21:


Community folder (empty)


Folder named "Official" that contains subfolder named "OneStore" which contains all packages from deluxe version of sim AS WELL AS several update packages with later dates ranging from 2/13 to 2/16.


Folder I created called "UPDATE 2-16" when update failed to download at game launch. This was suggested by the game as a workaround if download did not begin, so I created this folder and pointed the update to it. Download then commenced.


After 2 full days of appeared to be an entirely new install of the game and not just a 30GB update, and now a week of not even being able to find the folders, here is what I found in the update folder I created:


Another empty "Community" folder

Another folder named "Official."


Inside Official folder is another subfolder named "OneStore," and inside that are all the files from the 2-16 update, many of which appear to be duplicates of packages already installed on 2/7 in the other "Official/OneStore" folder.


I'm extremely disappointed with MS and Asobo for making this sim so ridiculously convoluted and complicated for anyone who's not an experienced career IT person to install, set up, and run. It's as if they never once thought to test it out with people whose PC knowledge is limited to basic Plug and Play programs.


Anyway, appreciate your time reading this post, and any expertise you might share with me to get my sim files cleaned up and all occupying the correct and proper folder(s) in the directory tree.



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