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If enough folks are interested I'm going to restart flight simulator racing leagues like we used to do with FS2K and FS98. Back then we ran it under the name FSPRA flight sim pilots racing association. Not sure where Jeff is hiding these days so rather than take his group name I've started a new group called Flight Simulator Racing League just on Facebook so far. If enough of you all join up I'll buy a domain and roll out an official webpage in a few weeks.

This is point to point time challenges, start on the runway, start the stop watch, find your way to the destination airport land and once fully stopped stop your timer and that's your race time. For now it's just default aircraft in classes based on similar capabilities. Every two months I'll post the next set of races, a sprint, a regional three leg race, another sprint, a cross country with up to five mandatory stops then another sprint, regional and sprint final.

Results will be posted by class and points assigned based off finish place. End of year the winner of each class gets a virtual high five and bragging rights.

First races will be posted next weekend so go sign up.


I will try to share the link below, if that doesn't work just to fb and search for flight simulator racing league and sign up.



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