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Problem switching form xbox pass to boxed premium deluxe

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...I'm still very impressed and pleased with it, but I have a new problem.. :confused:


Although I'd pre-ordered the boxed Premium Deluxe version from Amazon UK, they didn't have any on the release date and didn't expect supplies for up to a month.


...so I jumped on the xBox gamepass solution so that I could at least get some familiarity while I was waiting.


That installed very well, and I've been enjoying the experience of using it.


Then, a couple of days ago, I found a Sim dealer in the Netherlands that had stock of the PDL, so I cancelled Amazon and ordered from them. Much better service, it arrived yesterday, only two days after ordering, and was only £3 more than Amazon, with free delivery.


Now the bad news... I had wondered whether the original install of the gamepass version would confuse things, and it looks as though it has.


Even though I initially uninstalled it, and cancelled my gamepass subscription, when I installed the boxed PDL version via the ten DVDs and then the online upload, it still has just the standard 20 aircraft.


I'd read about the people using Steam having a similar problem, but this is the MS version. The funny thing is that when I launch it and go to marketplace, it shows that not only do I "own" the PDL content bundle, but that it is also "Installed"....


The other funny thing is that although it's the boxed version, it starts without ever asking for disk one to be inserted....


I'm wondering if the version I have is some sort of second boxed release (the dealer said it had only just arrived and it was their second batch), which has an online activation code, thereby locking it to my hardware, rather than needing the key disk ?

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Hi I dont want to pee on your bonfire but i would really check out the place where you bought it from .when you load msfs20 from disk you load 1 - 10 after that you use the card provided to activate and then download the rest of the planes Airports etc you did get a card in your pack ? honestly it should be absolutlely painless it was for me i did get a little lost at fist after loading dvd's but after finding downloads and updates in ms store it was easy did you look there After Activation, it does not give all planes /airport from dvd's .Hope this helps




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No problems with my bonfire Andrew, all potential fixes for my problem are welcome !


I hear what you're saying, but it was bought from a highly reputable Flight Sim Software company in the Netherlands, who also sell extremely expensive flight sim hardware, yokes, cockpits, helicopter controls etc..


Yes, my boxed set install was exactly as you desctribed, DVD's one to ten, (taking about 2 hours), then it asked for the activation number on the card that was in the box, then it downloaded another 19.5gb of data.


I then ran it, to immediately set the local cache to my "D" drive (the M.2 1tb SSD), becuase I'm learning fast about this prog !! :)


That all went like clockwork, and it ran fine, (much better than the gamepass version, because I'm now running the whole thing on the M.2 SSD, it's really increased my FPS (surprisingly).


So I'm quite confident that it's 100% legit. Here's two screendumps of the pages that show that I have the PD content installed, and also that there are only 20 aircraft.


One thing that does confuse me is the strange name and avater in the top right-hand corner, is that meant to be me, or is it the name of the nearest online server that I'm logged into ? (I've blanked the name out in case it is a user name that MS have assigned to me)

content owned.jpg


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Scrub that last question, I've now found out that it's the xBoxLive user name that was automatically assigned to me when I created the account.


That's a relief, it looked like a scam in itself !!


I'll change it now to something a bit less dramatic...


I still have the problem with the missing PD content though. I guess it's a similar bug to the one that faced the Steam users that upgraded.

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Glad its all working out I hate it when someone seems to be struggling I am by no means an expert lol but I do like to try and help when I feel I can I personally am Basically a new beginner to sims how does it go I know Nothing but reading and watching vids I mostly don't answer posts on here unless I definitely know the answer less risk of flaming or misleading the person your trying to help.


I am in my later yrs (74) but I bought this sim hoping i could learn to use it lol its going pretty slow at the moment i am thinking i will learn more hands on.

Please excuse the Grammar and typos i have Arthritis in my fingers.

sorry don't know what PD is



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"PD" is my attempt at sounding knowledgeable on here, it's just my shorthand for "Premium Deluxe".. :)


I'm quite close behind you, (69), though I've spent a ludicrous amount of time and money on flight sims for the past 50 years...


It's not fixed yet though, unfortunately, I still have access only to the basic content.


I'm getting a feeling about it now though. I'm becoming convinced that it's something to do with Microsoft's online record of my software version. I think they still have me down as a "standard" owner because of the xbox gamepass version that I purchased last week, and somehow my ownership of the premium deluxe version hasn't filtered through to them yet, even though I did activate it online as per their instructions.


It's my belief that regardless of what you have actually installed on your computer, you only get access to what their user record says you've paid for....

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Hi if I were you i would contact Areolsoft they are very good and sent me a screen shot of where to download the extra content for the PD edition lol and stuff what does your content Manager say ? I am at a loss at the risk of telling you wrong.




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That's the frustrating part again Andrew, the content manager shows all of the premium deluxe extras as installed, the extra planes and airports.

I'll message the supplier after the bank holiday if it doesn't resolve itself with updates in the meantime.

The missing premium content does seem to be an ongoing issue with certain installs, so maybe it's just a bug that will eventually be fixed without me having to do anything.

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There's an ongoing problem with "Premium Deluxe" content not showing up in MSFS right now.


Lot's of people are having this problem cross platform (DVD, MS Store, & Steam versions).


Hang tight, I'm sure Microsoft & Asobo will get it sorted.... eventually...


That's a relief ! (nice to know it's not just me... :) )


I've been researching all the FS forums on the problem and getting confused over all the contradictions about the boxed versions.


Apparently the included key activation code is currently being used to verify the owner, rather than disk one being re-inserted. Whether that is temporary or permanent remains to be seen I guess.


As I mused earlier in this thread, all versions seem to depend upon the centrally held activation details to discourage piracy. A clever move considering the degree to which the sim is enhanced by live online content when running. All the bootleg versions will be denied the enhanced scenery, live weather, and live traffic....

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The problem with Premium content not showing up in-game has been resolved.


Make sure you re-launch MSFS for the changes to take effect.


Thanks for the heads up....


Yes, you're right, all content there now.


Here's me celebrating by buzzing the more detailed control tower at Heathrow...:)

heathrow tower fs2020.jpg

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