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Won't install the 91 GB update

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Installer installs the first smaller part but when I launch the game and it checks for updates it prompts me to install the rest of the 91 GB of files. When I hit the Update button the progress bar says "Please wait" and it flickers as though it's going to start the download but it never does no matter how long I wait. Be advised that I had previously downloaded and installed the complete game with no issues but uninstalled it (apparently by just right clicking on the game in the start menu and hitting the Uninstall button) and this situation happened when I attempted to reinstall it. I installed a new video card and wasn't anticipating this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated please.
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You actually had it working and uninstalled it !!! Now you are in the rest of the group waiting for the download..... I'm on hour 16 now and only 89 gig left...… so probably another 30 days or so I will have it running LOL. You are stuck now with Microsoft's unbelievably stupid deployment method. I feel for ya for sure...… this really sucks!!!!!
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Well who knew this was gonna happen. The first install went fine. There were some bugs in the game so I figured I'd just uninstall and reinstall like you should be able to with a well written game. Now I'm nowhere and have tried everything I can think of, including reinstalling the OS. No luck. When I hit the Update button to install the 91gb update it says "Please wait...", which flickers at a fast rate, and nothing happens no matter how long I leave it. I'm really pissed off about this. I don't know what to try next.
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I don't know what to try next.


I feel your pain being in the same boat here. I gave up trying to download a non existent download and went flying in the old version. I'm beginning to wonder why I even bothered buying the new version.

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So let me get this straight. You initially download 86 Gb and then they want you to download a 91 Gb update. It was released yesterday.


I have a 50Gb data cap per month and that's in the "off-peak" between 2:00 AM and 8:00 AM every night. Download speed is about 3.5 Mb/sec at best (and i's pretty rare I see that speed). Once I've burned through the 50Gb they throttle me at about 120 Kb/sec. It's not available in smaller chunks like P3D(?), you have to download the whole damn thing in one chunk. You can buy it on disks - but only in Europe. And then when/if I ever get it installed I have to be able to stream 10 Mb/sec or fly in basic "offline" scenery.


How in the hell am I supposed to manage this? I guess I'm sitting this one out.

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