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cirrus vision sf50 Stability Problem with G1000


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Today I flew the SF50 and used the G1000 FMS. For some reason the FMS seemed to be unable to fly the SF50 in a smooth manner. While in level flight after a 90 degree turn on to an ILS approach using the GPS, it kept oscillating up and down and right and left. Likewise in climbing to a VOR after takeoff, it could not hold a steady climb. I would like to use the CF50 for some experience with x-plane 11 rather than the C172 as the CF50 is faster, but the G1000 sure works better on the C172.


Anyone have any ideas what the problem may be. I have a medium speed computer system and the frame rate is about 25 to 28 on these flights.



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  • 9 months later...
I know this question is a bit old... but I thought I would throw my 2 cents out there anyways. I have observed the G1000 oscillating up and down if you are exceeding the maximum speed of the aircraft. Since there is no auto throttle, pulling the nose up is the only way the autopilot can reduce airspeed. Of course, you are now flying above the assigned altitude, which will push the nose down in an attempt to get back to the assigned flight level. This process will repeat. Pulling back on the throttles will allow the autopilot to regain stable flight.
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