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Saitek, SPAD, and Carenado


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I've been able to successfully program saitek radio/switch panels with SPAD on several Carenado aircraft but I can't get the master battery switch to work. All the other switches work fine--i.e., when I flip a switch or hit a button on the saitek panels, the corresponding switch/button moves in the simulated aircraft. When I open SPAD, the battery switch works with the actual saitek panel switch but it won't move on the simulated aircraft.


Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.



(FSX-MS, Win 7 64)

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  • 2 years later...
I've been able to successfully program saitek radio/switch panels with SPAD on several Carenado aircraft but I can't get the master battery switch to work. All the other switches work fine--i.e., when I flip a switch or hit a button on the saitek panels, the corresponding switch/button moves in the simulated aircraft. When I open SPAD, the battery switch works with the actual saitek panel switch but it won't move on the simulated aircraft.


Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.



(FSX-MS, Win 7 64)


Did you manage to use the altitude knob ?


kind regards


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I will reply to the original post. (old post I see, 2017, hope it helps the person in the first reply as well.)


that battery switch on the panel of the sim aircraft may not be moving because it is just a dummy switch. One that is not really firing a command.


To test that theory, press (or whatever key combo you assigned to "Battery On/Off" command.).


If the battery switch on the aircraft in fsx is a 'dummy gauge' will switch the battery on and off, but the switch in the sim won't move. (and your Saitek switch (which also fires ) should also not move that battery switch.


If contr+B and the Saitek works for the battery, fine. Then disregard the switch you see on your monitor. Or swap that gauge in the aircraft for one that does work from an other aircraft. By editing the panel.cfg file.



another possibility is that the battery switch in that fsx aircraft does work, but uses a different command then the normal Fsx key command then you have assigned. (in that case contr+B won't switch batt on/off and neither will the Saitek.)


To find out the command that this aircraft's battery switch does fire you can use Fsuipc.

You will need Fsuipc registered. (need to buy a Fsuipc registration (licence)).


You can then use the Fsuipc logger. This logs the command that is fired when the button is clicked. Knowing the command you can then assign that exact command to your Saitek switch.


(and using Fsuipc you can also assign it to a keyboard key.)

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