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FS98 scenery--NORWAY98 v2.0.

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FS98 scenery--NORWAY98 v2.0. This is a complete redesign of the Norway scenery. This version is optimized for use with FS98 and a 3D graphics card with all new and advanced features like transparency, texture filtering and mip-mapping. The scenery contains 82 airports, most of them very detailed, and all accessable through the Main Airport-menu in FS98 and the Airport Facilities dialog, all Norwegian navaids (NDB, VOR, ILS), nearly 4500 polygon mountains with texture, 2000 textured ground polygons, rivers, lakes, cities, roads, bridges, buildings, 5000 km reproduced coastlines. By Arne Sundsbo, Bengt Larsson, Svein Holbo. 1 of 2 files.

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