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CFS USMC Bell F2L-1 SeaCobra

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About This File

CFS USMC Bell F2L-1 SeaCobra (fictional), Midway 1942 (CFS only package). What if the US Navy acquired a number of the ex-British Mk.1/P-400s in early 1942. Unsuited for carrier duty, the SeaCobras would've been transferred to the US Marine Corps. They may have used them in the defense of Midway in June 1942. FS5 model/AFX by Eric C. Johnson. CFS moving parts model and original textures by Chuck Dome. Partial textures by Philippe Millour. DP/CDP by Steve Bezant. Includes Dan Griffin's CFS P-39 v2 panel. Custom FD by Christoph Ruhtenberg of EYA - Enjoy Your Aircraft. Checklist by Josh Van Stavern. History file by Joe Baugher. Flight music included. Repaint and package assembly by Derek 'Deke' Wakefield of Indianola Flightcraft.

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