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FS98 T-28S Fennec

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FS98 T-28S Fennec. This T-28S Fennec N14113 was originally built as a North American T-28A Trojan 51-7545 (const. no. 174-398) and delivered to USAF Training Command on 10/11/52. Struck off charge in 1959 it was modified to become the 119th Fennec delivered the Armee de l'Air in the 1960's. In 1968 it retired from French service and returned to the USA from where it was sold to the Aerienne Haitenne as No. 1236 who it served until 1978. Returning again to the USA. it was eventually purchased in 1997 by M. Willing on behalf of Radial Revelations and ferried to Duxford where it was restored in its Armee de l'Air Dessert Camouflage markings Designed by E, R and T Allen with animated controls and moving parts.

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