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FS98/CFS NAA P-51 "Princess Elizabeth"

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FS98/CFS NAA P-51 Mustang "Princess Elizabeth". This North American P-51C (B) Mustang is painted to represent the P-51B "Princess Elizabeth" HO-W flown by 1st Lt. William Whisner of the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group of the US 8th Air Force in 1944. It was built up by Pete Regina from various B model parts and registered N51PR. It was originally displayed as "Shangri La". It raced at Reno in 1982 before being repainted as "The Believer" in 1986. It was acquired by the TFC in December 1996 and arrived at Duxford on 3/07/97 where it was painted and displayed as "Princess Elizabeth". Designed by E, R and T Allen with animated controls and moving parts. By E, R and T Allen.

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