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CFS/CFS2/FS2000 P-51D "Bunnie"

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CFS/CFS2/FS2000 P-51D "Bunnie", Lieutenant Roscoe Brown, Jr. This aircraft represents Lieutenant Roscoe Brown, Jr.'s North American P-51 Mustang "Bunnie", of the 100th squadron, 332nd fighter group. This was a squadron made up of all black pilots, members of the famed "Tuskegee Airmen,", black pilots in WWII who reportedly never lost a bomber in combat. The 332nd fighter group served as bomber escort in the Italian campaign. Lieutenant Roscoe Brown earned the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with eight Oak Leaf Clusters. He is especially famed for, on March 24, 1945, he, along with Charles Brantly and Earl Lane, was able to shoot down an Me-262 in combat. The model was created by Alain L'Homme, the panel by Chris Arrington, and the textures by Ephram Matheson.

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