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About This File

FS2002/FS2004 Scenery--Mark Twain Lake, Hannibal, Missouri. v3. An updated version of the Mark Twain Lake scenery for FS2004. Includes additions and new macros, new trees, built in terrain, no more flat shore lines. Natural bluffs. Cannon Dam macro from EOD and actual digital photos. Old downtown Hannibal historic district, cobblestone waterfront, restored boyhood home of Samuel Clemens, (aka "Mark Twain"). Barge traffic on the Mississippi River. Florida, MO with birthplace cabin of Mark Twain. All shoreline attractions, and a typical farming and ranching area of northeast Missouri. Includes three upgraded default airports. Hannibal Municipal (KHAE), Wood Acres (7M01), and Samuel L. Clemens Memorial (MU00). All textures included. By Robert Palmer. (Previous version had 1438 downloads.)

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