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Virginia Airport Diagrams. A collection of FAA airport diagrams in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format for airports in VA. Includes KAKQ, KAVC, KBCB, KBKT, KCHO, KCJR, KCPK, KCXE, KDAA, KDAN, KDCA, KEMV, KEZF, KFAF, KFCI, KFKN, KFVX, KGDY, KHEF, KHLX, KHSP, KIAD, KJGG, KJYO, KLFI, KLKU, KLNP, KLYH, KMKJ, KMTV, KNGU, KNTU, KOFP, KOKV, KOMH, KORF, KPHF, KPSK, KPTB, KPVG, KRIC, KRMN, KROA, KSFQ, KSHD, KTGI, KVBW, KVJI, KWAL. Compiled by Dale Wingard. While these are actual aviation diagrams they are not current and should not be used for actual aviation.

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