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FS2004 Scenery--Aeropelican

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FS2004 Scenery--Aeropelican, NSW, Australia. Also known as Belmont Airport, Newcastle. Just a thirty minute flight north from Sydney, Aeropelican still operates DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft and these little beauties can be quite a handful when landing at this small regional airport. This version now includes a small seaplane base (fictitious) plus access from the lake for amphibious aircraft. Amphibious AI aircraft can be setup if required. These added inclusions are for entertainment purposes and do not exist at the real airport. Also included is a AI traffic file for the main runway and sea base which can be removed if not required. Other sea bases are available for the Sydney area (SYDCBASE.ZIP) required. This file also provides instructions for setting up sea based AI aircraft. Textures required: Airport 2.6, VOD, Nova and Nova Gold. By Clive Marriott.

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