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FS2002/FS2004 VAMG Museum Collection 2

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FS2002/FS2004 VAMG Museum Collection 2. The VT ANG has a small air museum near the main gate to their airbase at Burlington International Airport which currently has on static display several of the mission specific and mission support aircraft that they have flown since their formation in 1946. The virtual VT ANG Air Museum Collection for FS2004 is an attempt by a 134th FS veteran to duplicate and expand upon the actual VT ANG Air Museum. This second download package includes VT ANG repaints of the AT-6G Texan by Cliff Presley, the P-51D Mustang by Andrew Wai and the P-47D Thunderbolt by Krzysztof Malinowski/Greg Pierson/Tom Kohler. By Mike MacIntyre.

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